Chapter Six

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"It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." - Anne Frank, A Diary of a Young Girl

Aizawa was not comfortable with leaving Midoriya in the room alone. He knew that Midoriya would want to have some privacy, but he wanted to be by his side. Midoriya was very likely to have nightmares, and he wanted to help him with them. He went to bed, anyway. He held Hizashi close, and laid there thinking about Midoriya.

Sure enough, he woke up to soft crying. He was always a soft sleeper, and he was glad of it. He shot up out of bed, and headed to Midoriyas room. Inside, tears were cascading down Midoriyas face. He was having a nightmare. That was to be expected. Doesn't stop the pain, though.

Aizawa approached carefully. He sat on the bed, and began to gently tap Midoriya's knee. A connection to the world. 

"It's just a dream. You are okay, everything is all right." Aizawa continued to whisper soothing words as best he could. Midoriya settled down a little bit. Aizawa knew he couldn't leave Midoriya alone, though. He gently scooted him over, and laid next to him. Aizawa was here for Midoriya. He was going to protect him for the rest of his life. 


The next day, Aizawa went to pick up Midoriyas stuff. Hizashi stayed back and talked with Midoriya himself. He asked more questions, mainly. The answers started out short. One word, maybe two word answers. Slowly, Midoriya warmed up some more. Hizashi stayed relatively quiet. He could see how stiff Midoriya had become, as if the events of the day before were finally hitting, and he wasn't sure exactly what to do with it. 

He learned a few things about Midoriya, including the fact that his favorite food was Katsudon. He would have to keep that in mind. 

"Are you excited to meet Nemuri? She is really nice, I-" Hizashi was cut off by his phone ringing. He was kind of grateful. He had no clue where he was going to go with that. He picked up, to be met by Aizawa's frustrated cursing. 


"Oh don't you 'Honey' me. I just dropped a box full of action figures on my foot. I swear, if it weren't for that kid, I would have chucked this in the river. Come down to the parking lot, I'm here." The line then went dead. Hizashi could tell that Aizawa was in a bad mood. Too many people tended to do that to him.

"Come on, we gotta help Aizawa with the boxes."


To say that there were a lot of boxes is an understatement. Half of the boxes were filled with books, or hero merch. Getting them into the apartment would be a challenge. Midoriya held one box at a time, while Aizawa and Hizashi both held three. It was a slow process. Finally they got them all in his room, and began the unpacking process. This is where they really got the blunt of how much merch Midoriya had. The books were all quirk based, and on the history of heroes, and so on. He really did worship heroes. 

One thing that did put Aizawa off, though, was how many of the books were about villains. Most of the books were on heroes, yes, but there were also a lot of them on villains. He didn't want to think into the possibilities too much. 

At the bottom of the last box of books were notebooks, labeled "Hero Analysis for the Future," Each of them were also labeled with a different number. There were four so far. He knew that he was still going to continue them.

"Hey, kid? What are these?" Midoriyas face turned beet red.

"That's really nothing, it's just I want to be a hero, and have for a while, and I have been taking notes on heroes and quirks so that one day, maybe they could help me. I have a page on you, and Yamada-san. I really think your quirks are really cool. I do want to be a hero like you one day. You have saved so many people and I really-"

"Kid, kid. Slow down. Remember to breathe." 

"Sorry." Midoriya looked down sheepishly. 

"It's fine, kid. Can we take a look at these?" Aizawa pulled out the notebook labeled "1". He flipped to the first page, and looked over the notes. They were messy, but extensive. It showed a messy diagram of the hero, and the reasons for different parts of the costume as well as different possibilities for upgrades. 

Aizawa flipped through the notebook. Different heroes of all kinds littered the pages. Midoriya took very detailed notes, and over time, the notes became cleaner, and focused more on the important parts. The drawings became better and better.

"Nezu would love to get his hands on these notes. He would be excited to meet someone so smart." Aizawa continued through the notes, when he came upon his. He snorted when he saw "How does it float?" written in big letters beside his drawing. 

"I'm not sure how it floats, it just does." 

"Have you thought of tying your hair up during your patrols and stuff. Your hair floats while you are erasing someones quirk. If someone were to see that, and then they see it stop floating, that would put you at a slight disadvantage." Midoriya started to mutter on, but was quickly cut off by Aizawa.

"That's a great idea, kid. I'll try it." 

Hizashi clapped his hands together, "Who wants Katsudon?" 

Midoriya shot his hand into the air. 


Dinner was a quiet event. They all sat in comfortable silence, enjoying the food that Hizashi had made. To be fair, Hizashi's food is really good. Midoriya finished up, and went to wash his dish. 

"What are you doing?" Hizashi asked with a joking tone.

"Washing my dish....?" 

"That is what the dishwasher is for." Aizawa stood, and opened up the dishwasher beside Midoriya.

"Oh... sorry." Midoriya's voice got quiet, red spreading across his face.

"No need to be sorry. Just make sure you wash the food off of your dish before putting it in." Hizashi ruffled Midoriya's hair. 

"Ummm.... I think I'm ready to talk about the man now, if you want to ask some questions." 

Hizashi gave Aizawa a worried look, which was reciprocated. 

"Are you sure? It can be difficult to-" Aizawa tried to be as soft as humanly possible, but was quickly cut off.

"I'm sure. I want to help catch him, and this is the best way, right?" Midoriya was visibly shaking. He was obviously not okay. 

"Okay...." Aizawa was hesitant. "If you need to stop, at any time, just let us know. You are being very strong."

"What do you remember about him?" Hizashi placed a hand on Midoriyas shoulder, in an attempt to comfort him as best as possible. He may not have known Midoriya for a very long time, but he was still attached to the kid.

"He... he didn't have a face. He had a mouth, but that'ts it. He had tube like things running out of him, and was sitting in an electric wheelchair. Um... He had this guy standing next to him. I couldn't make out his face, but he was wearing a blue hoodie, and seemed short." Tears were streaming down his face at this point. Midoriya was struggling, at it was very plain to see. 

Hizashi pulled Midoriya in for a tight hug. "You are very strong. You helped us so much. Thank you."

Aizawa wrapped a hesitant arm around Midoriya, before being pulled into a group hug by Hizashi. He was very persuasive about it, grabbing onto Aizawa, and using an iron grip to bring him in.

Needless to say, Midoriya didn't feel as though nightmares were going to be an issue.


In a damp bar on the other side of town, a man sat in a motorized wheelchair. In front of him was a man made out of a swirling purple smoke. A grin was splayed out onto his mouth. Everything was going to plan.

"He has grown attached to the heroes, yes?" 

"He has, sire." 

"Good. Wait a few weeks before you initiate the plan. He is going to be ours soon. We just need to be patient." 

"Of course, sire." The man of smoke walked out of the room. The man in the chair's smile only grew. He was going to have the child on their side, no matter what it took.

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