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I haven't had much to do so imma write some fluff. This is before the whole stabby stabby thing. 

Midoriya stared out the window of the classroom. It had bee a long day, and he really wasn't in the mood. He could hear Aizawa's monotonous voice in the background but it was more of a hum than actual words.

As the day droned on he thought more than anything. His mind was on autopilot, and he was glad that no one had questioned him. He really wasn't in the mood to be talking to people. Aizawa was really rubbing off on him.

At the end of the day he was approached by Hizashi.

"Cuddle pile time." Hizashi grabbed Midoriya and headed into the teachers lounge. There was a little fort set up in front of the small T.V., and Nemuri was already seated in the center. She smiled brightly when they came in.

"Come ON, we have some movies we have to watch!" Hizashi and Nemuri curled around Midoriya and watched quietly. They picked out some of Midoriya's favorites, and were snacking on some junk food. Midoriya loved cuddle piles. He seemed to be calmer after them, which is exactly why they did this in the first place. 

Aizawa joined them after the second movie. (After question how they were allowed to do it. They answered that Nezu said they could.) Midoriya leaned against Nemuri, and was soon laid across Hizashi's lap. Hizashi was leaning against Aizawa. This was their usual set up.

Aizawa wasn't really watching the movies. He was looking at Midoriya. All throughout the day Midoriya had been stiff, and was only barely doing his work. He didn't even pay that much attention to the students' quirks. He knew it was probably because of the nightmare that Midoriya had, but didn't pry.

He watched as Midoriya's eyes slowly fluttered close, and as he leaned more heavily on Nemuri. He watched Midoriya's breath even out, and carefully shook Hizashi's shoulder.


"Shhh, he's sleeping." 

Nemuri pulled out her phone and snapped a few HUNDRED pictures. 

"Send those to me," Hizashi whispered. He already had Midoriya as his home screen AND lock screen, and went to sleep after looking at photo's of Midoriya.  What more could he want?

Silently Aizawa hoped that she would send them to the group chat.

She did.

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