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Ken's pov

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Ken's pov

When we got out of Silver's room, dad was waiting for us. He smiled when he saw us and locked the door once we got out. He put the key in his pocket and walked away. My heart wrenched at that sight. How can they do this to her? I looked at Anna, her eyes were filled with tears. She might have been thinking the same. She left without saying anything.

Silver's room was inside a room. I got out of the room and closed the door behind me. My heart told me to go inside and break the door to Silver's room and set her free. I walked back to my room with a heavy heart. I was sure that Anna will be crying at this minute.

When I got to my room, I collapsed on the bed. I stayed like that till I heard a knock at the door. I checked the time, it was dinner time. Even though I didn't have any appetite, I went to the dining room. Mom and dad were already there, waiting for us. Anna wasn't there. I took my place. Anna came after some minutes. Her face was swollen and her eyes were red. Her face reminded me of Silver's face when I saw her. Was she crying before that? Poor girl, I thought.

Anna sat opposite from where I sat and she glanced at me. Usually, we chat a lot during dinner time, but we kept silent. Mom broke the silence.

"Why don't you guys eat something?" She asked.

I slowly filled my plate and started eating. Anna did the same.

In the corner of my eyes, I saw mom and dad looking at us. After some time mom spoke again.

"Why are you silent? Say something." She said.

When I looked at her, she gave me a big smile. That was all I can take and I exploded.

"You want me to speak?" I stared at her. "You never told us about her. You locked her up in that cage. Are you a mother? Always happy and smiling when your daughter is dying in there." My voice was loud.

They looked shocked.

"Ken, is this the way to speak? Say sorry to your mother." Dad said.

I looked straight into his eyes.

"For what?" I asked. "Tell me that I'm wrong?"

He looked angrier.

"Enough," Dad said.

"Enough? You locked her in that cage for sixteen years. Have you ever thought about how she spends her time? Or have you ever asked about her feelings?" I took a deep breath. "She is different, I agree. But why kept it a secret from us? She is our sister. For all our life we thought we were twins, but all this time a part of us was leading a miserable life." I shouted all these things and left the dining room. I went straight to my room and closed the door behind me.

I opened the window and looked at the sky. The sky was full of stars. I thought about the slit-like windows in Silver's tower. I imagined her looking at the sky through them.

I looked at the stars and said.

"I wish Silver had a normal life like us."

I laid on my bed and slowly slipped into a sound sleep.


Anna's pov

After Ken left, mom and dad looked at me.

"Do you agree with Ken?" Dad asked. His voice was a mixture of anger and sadness.

I looked at my plate. I tried to eat, but my appetite was gone. There was no need for me to sit here anymore. I slowly got up from my seat.

"Sorry, dad. But I think Ken's right. At least you should have told us about her. We are not like other people, we are a family." I said.

I took my plate and Ken's plate to the kitchen and washed it. I went straight to my room without giving mom and dad a chance to start speaking.

I laid on my bed. Usually, I slept the instant I lay on the bed, but even after an hour, I laid awake. The silence and darkness engulfed me. My mind automatically started thinking about Silver.

Ken never spoke to our parents like that. He loved them and respected them. He was always a good son. He never has been the reason for someone's sadness. But, on some rare times, when he was shaken by something, he explodes. Mom and dad might have understood why he spoke like that.

Ken's voice echoed in my mind. He was right, she is a part of us, she's our family. She has the right to be happy and to live the life she wants.

Silver is beautiful, a kind person. She must have a happy life. If we cannot help her in that, no one can.

I slowly went out of my room and found my way in the darkness towards Ken's room. I knocked on the door and waited, but he didn't answer. I reached for the knob and opened the door.

He never locked his door. Even when we were children, our parents gave us separate rooms. I always had nightmares and I cried. One night Ken heard me, and he took me to his room. From that day, whenever I had nightmares I went to his room. He never locked his room, so that I can go in without any trouble.

I entered the room and looked around. He was a simple person, he always kept his room neat and tidy. He never kept unwanted things. On the other hand, my room was always a mess.

I quietly closed the door and walked towards his bed. He was sleeping. He looked like a tiny boy. I touched his hand and called his name. He woke up and looked at me.

"Nightmares again?" He asked.

"No. I can't sleep." I said.

He moved and made space for me in the bed. I quickly got into bed. Once I was settled in the bed, he asked.

"Were you thinking about her?"

"Yes," I said. "I feel sorry for her."

"Me too." He said. "I wish we had known about this a long time ago. I want to do something about it. I was harsh to mom and dad. I feel sorry for that."

"I agree with you, Ken. They should have told us about it. Don't feel sorry for that. They are our parents, they will understand you." I told him.

He was silent for some time. I thought he might say something, but he didn't. So, I broke the silence and said.

"We must speak about it to our parents."

"But, how?" He asked.

"I don't know. But we must help her. If we don't do anything, no one can. We are the only people she has." I told him and stared into the darkness.

My mind kept repeating the words.
"We are the only ones she has."


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