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Ken's pov

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Ken's pov

I forgot to breathe when I saw the visitor. I went to the hall and stood behind dad. Dad had a confused look on his face. But, I didn't have any doubt since I was sure that he is here to see Silver. I doubted that he likes Silver. From the way he looked at her, the way he smiled when he saw her, I doubted he liked her. It's hard to miss the look on a boy's face when he's in love. It's not like I hated him liking my sister, but deep down I wanted her to be safe. If he made her happy, I will stand with her even if our parents stand against it. I was sure that she will be happy to see him. Even though, I wished it was not the case of his visit. I wished that he came to see dad.

"Zach, what brings you here?" DAd asked him. 

"I'm here to see your daughter." He said.

Oh no. My heart began to bang against my ribs. Dad looked at Anna, who stood beside me.

"Oh, I never thought that you two knew each other." Dad said with an uneasy look on his face.

"No, I didn't mean her." Zach said and dad froze for a second. But, he soon collected himself and looked at Zach with a confused look on his face.

Someone who didn't know about our secret won't even notice the shift in his face. But, as Zach knows about her, he must have noticed it.

"I don't understand." Dad said, with the same confused look in his face.

I looked at Zach. He stared at me for a moment before looking back at father.

"Oh. Then, I will be open with you." He paused for a moment before continuing. I pleaded to him with my eyes. "I'm here to see Silver."

I shared a glance at Anna. She was worried. Then, I looked at our mother. She looked as horrified as our father.

"Zach, you are mistaken. There is no one in here with that name." Dad stuck to his plan.

"Sorry. But, I assure you that I'm not here to create a situation."

Zach understood what our father was trying to do and I realised that he was trying to make our father believe that he is not here to create a scene.

But, dad still held his point.

"We are the only people who live in this house." He pointed mom and us.

Uh oh. What will we do now? My heart beats quickened. Our parents finding our secret with Zach were one of my nightmares these past months, and it happened. To increase the effects, Silver came. 

"There she is." Zach said and we all looked to where he was looking and saw Silver.

I looked at Zach to find his eyes glazed. I knew that look and I was sure that no one else noticed it. But, I doubt whether Silver saw it. Is she aware of his feelings? What was in that letter? Am I just jumping into conclusions? My head started to pile up with questions and I got lost in my thoughts that I forgot about everything happening around me. I came back to reality when Zach left.

Silver reacted quickly. She shouted to our parents how Zach saved her and helped us all by keeping our secret. After hearing everything dad began to cool down. He looked like he came back to his senses. Seeing this, my heartbeat began to slow and became almost normal, but only to increase again.

You know, the real problems began when we think everything is over. Like that, when our father came back to his senses, Silver lost it. She ran out of the house to find Zach. It was fast that she went out of the house within a blink of an eye. Our worst nightmares entering the reality.

Mom called her name and tried to run after her. But dad stopped her by forcefully dragging her to the dining room and told her to sit.

"I will go and look for her. Ken, come with me." Dad said and mom nodded.

We left the house. I didn't take long for us to find her since her appearance made a huge problem in our land.


Silver’s pov

The person I thought as Zach was someone else. I realised it pretty late. He pushed me when he saw me and my body hit hard on the ground. It pained like several bones in my body broke at the same time. By the time I stood up from the spot, people were gathered around me, but not too close. They left a safe distance from me. If you ask whether it is for the safety of me or their safety, I guess you already know the answer since I'm not a witch like they yelled when they saw me.

More people gathered around as the minutes passed. I slowly looked around at the people. They were carrying all kinds of things they can use for hurting me. While looking around, my eyes caught the sight of two familiar faces. My father and my brother. Seeing them, the realisation hit me hard and I understood my foolishness. I could have sent Ken to look for Zach. I, not only put danger upon me but for them too.

They saw me and Ken tried to come to me, but only to be blocked by our father. Father gripped his wrist and held Ken in the place without giving him any chance to move. Both their faces had worried looks. I slowly took a small step towards their direction and something hit the back of my body. A jolting pain spread through my body and I screamed in pain. I looked behind me and found a stone.

My father and brother looked like they might cry. I again took a small step towards them and another stone hit my leg. More people were gathering around. I started to think about a way to save myself. Two things were sure. Firstly, I can't run home with all these people watching me. I can't put my family in danger. Secondly, the more the people come, the less my chances to escape. The only remaining option for me was the forest. The option that Zach told me. At last, I made my mind.

I took one last look at Ken and our father. Seeing their faces I realised that the forest is my only chance to see the next day. I took a big breath and calmed myself, and I ran in the direction of the forest.



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I know it's been a month since I last updated. I was busy with my class works. Thank you all for your patience...


Hope you all enjoyed the chapter...
Stay happy and stay safe...

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