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Zach's pov

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Zach's pov

I left their home after a long time than I intended to stay. I wanted to leave their home and to go search for her. But, they all were crying and I couldn't leave them like that. To be honest, I too had two or three breakdowns, and it took me some time to control my emotions. At last, when I was able doing that, I left them without saying anything. I wanted to go home and lock myself in my room, where no one will see me.

On my way home, I heard people saying about the incident of the witch. Hearing that word, I felt the need to tear the world apart. I bite my tongue to keep me away from saying something and walked in the direction of home. As soon as I made it home, I locked myself in my room and laid on the bed. I stared at the ceiling in the horror of what happened. It felt worse to think about the truth that I was the reason that triggered her to go out of the house. Even though Ken told things to prove that I can't blame me, I still thought that I'm the cause of everything. For a long time, my head swarmed with a variety of thoughts and then I slept.

Next morning, when I woke up, the first thing I wanted to do was to get out of my home. I quickly dressed and opened the door of my room. My mother was waiting for me in the dining room.

"Son, is everything okay?" She asked when she saw me.

"Yes, mom." I said.

"No. Don't lie to me. I can see it in the way you talk, the way you walk and I can see it in your eyes that you are not okay." She said.

If you ask me, it's the quality of mothers. They sense our mood the moment they see us.

"I don't feel well. That's all." I lied.

My mother is my best friend. I shared everything with her from the time I was a child. I never lied to her. But, for the first time, I lied to her.

"Oh. It might be a common cold or something. I will make you a cup of tea. Take a seat." She said and rushed to the kitchen.

Unable to resist her, I sat on a chair and waited for her.

After a few minutes, she came with a cup of tea and an empty plate. She placed them in front of me on the dining table and quickly went back to the kitchen. She came back with bread, butter, and jam. She placed everything on the dining table and took the seat next to me.

"What do you feel like eating? Butter or jam?" She asked.

"Mom, I don't feel like eating anything." I said.

She placed the back of her on my forehead to check the temperature.

"I don't think that you are having a fever. It might be cold. Drink that tea before it gets cold." She said.

She began to spread butter on a slice of bread and placed it on the empty plate.

"Eat it. Your body needs food." She said and continued to spread butter on the bread.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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