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Stranger's pov

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Stranger's pov

I was walking from my home to the market. Like every year, I was excited to go there. I saw the lights in the distance. I increased the speed of my walking to reach there, and spent more time with my friends. After graduating, I never got much chance to spend time with them, I was really busy with work.

When I almost reached the market place, I saw a shadow behind one of the buildings. At first, I thought there was nothing to worry about, but my heart told me to check it. I was a practical person from my childhood, I trusted my brain more than my heart. This time, something in my mind told me to listen to my heart. So, I stopped there and stared at the shadow. Slowly the outline became clear. It was not a thing, it was a person.

I watched that person for sometime. He was looking at the market place. I stood there for sometime to understand what he was doing. Then, I slowly walked towards him. When I was just two feet away from him, I asked.

"Who are you and what are you doing in the dark?"

The person froze to the spot. He didn't move or looked at me.

"Who are you?" I asked in a threatening voice.

The person slowly turned. It was not a boy, it was a girl. A beautiful girl. I was taken aback by her beauty. Her blue eyes twinkled in the moonlight. She was the most beautiful girl I saw in my life. My breath stopped for a second. For the first time in my life, I did what my heart told me and it was what I got.

I never believed in love, especially in love at first sight. But, the second I saw her, I felt it.

"Who are you?" I asked. It came out like a whisper.

She didn't say anything. She just looked at me. She looked pale.

"Don't worry. I won't do any harm." I assured her.

Hearing this some colours came back to her face.

"Who are you? I haven't seen you around here." I asked her.

Again, she was silent. Thinking she might not have heard me, I thought I need to ask again, louder. So, I asked louder.

"Who are ..." My words were stopped in the middle. Without giving me a chance to speak, she covered my mouth with her hand. Her hands were soft against my lips.

"Please don't speak louder." She said and took her hand away from my mouth. She looked at me for an answer.

"Okay. But first, tell me. Who are you?" I asked her.

She nodded.


Silver's pov

I felt frozen on the spot. I felt real fear for the first time in my life.

From the sound, I was sure that the person was standing closer to me. I thought about running. But, where will I go? The only option was to run to the light. But, that will be even more dangerous than this.

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