Chapter 1

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They were everywhere and I didn't see any way to get to my weapons. My machete was stuck in a dead one and my crossbow was too far away for me to reach. I screamed and yelled for help but noone came except the undead.

Before one grabbed me, an arrow went straight through his forehead. I looked up but was only faced with bodies falling to the floor and gunshots echoing through the air.

"Hurry up, kid!" a man with a nice crossbow yelled.

I slammed against bodies and rushed to my stuff. I grabbed my bag, crossbow, and trusty machete and ran to the man.

He put his hand lightly on my back and hustled me into a small truck.

"You alright?" he asked as we left the parking lot of the Walmart.

I took in a gulp of air and said, "Yeah. Yeah I'm alright." I angled my head toward him and asked, "who the hell are you?" 

He looked over at me and said, "Daryl. Who are you?"

I looked over to him. He had brown, medium length hair, blue eyes, and dirty clothes. He seemed familiar but I couldn't put my finger on who he was. 

"M' names April. April Dixon WIlliams. Very simple," I said, wiping my forehead of blood, sweat and dirt.

He looked over at me as we turned onto a small dirt path.

"Dixon?" he said stopping the car so a man with a baseball cap and black hair could open the gates to the farm.

"Did I stutter? April Dixon WIlliams. Why does it matter?" I said moving my hand over the door handle as he drove up and parked in front of a farmhouse with a nice porch.

He looked over at me as he put the car in park. He grabbed his crossbow and got out of the car.

Why the hell'd he ask again?

I grabbed my crossbow and got out of the car. 

A tall man with a scruff on his face was talking to Daryl and was nodding. The man looked over at me when Daryl pointed.

I don't like people pointing at me, so I scowled at Daryl and shifted backward against the truck.

A kid around my age with long brown hair and a sheriff's hat came out oof the house with a tall lady with brown hair and a big belly, presumably pregnant. The kid looked at me, stared at my crossbow in hand, at Daryl then back at me.

The woman put a hand around him and her other hand on her belly and walked him over to an area not far from the house where tents were set up.

As I was looking around the place I didn't even notice the man walk up to me. When he talked to me I jumped slightly and eyed him.

"I'm Rick Grimes. I hear you're April. Dixon's your middle name?" he said

"Why do you keep asking me that? April. Dixon. WIlliams." I said slowly.

"Whose your dad?" he asked me before looking back at Daryl.

Daryl shook his head 'No' and stepped back.

"Some dick who had a one-night stand with my mum. Name was Merle Dixon or something." I said standing up off truck.

Rick opened his eyes up wide and blinked while Daryl walked up to me and said, 

"So you're saying that Merle Dixon is your dad?" He said getting closer to me.

"Simple question, simple answer," I said slinging my crossbow on my back.

Daryl stepped back and rubbed his hands over his eyes.

"Damnit Merle," Daryl tried to say quietly.

"Do you know him?" I questioned. "I- what did I do?"

"You did nothing," Rick said putting his hand out. "Merle-Merle's his brother. Which makes you his neice."

"I know how family relations work," I said. "Where is he?"

"Merle's dead!" Daryl said loudly.

I gritted my teeth and thought this over. So Merle is-was, my dad. Daryl who's my uncle, saved me and now I'm stuck here.

"How many walkers have you killed?" Rick asked.

"Couple dozen, I guess?" I said as Rick came over and put my crossbow on the ground.

"How many people have you killed?" He asked patting me down for weapons, and taking my gun and knife.

"None." I answered with a sigh in the word.

"Why?" he asked giving me my stuff back.

"People- aren't what they used to be. They're dead." I said looking down.

"Where's she going to sleep?" A woman with shortish gray hair said walkin down the steps. She stood next to Rick and looked at him.

"The barn's now opened. We'll give you a couple blankets and you can do whatever-girls your age do to rooms," Rick said chuckling slightly and the last fragment.

"Hmph." I said bumping my head.

"You are Daryl's niece," Rick said putting his hands on his hips.

"Daryl's what?" The woman said looking at Rick.

The men explained it to her, later I found out her name's Carol, while the kid led me to the barn.

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