Chapter 1

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(A/N Okay guys here is chapter 1 of my new story! I hope you like it!)

“NIALL WAKE UP!” Harry shouted , jumping up, and down on the bed.

Niall had never been the easiest person to get up in the mornings. If there was one thing he loved as much as his food, it was his sleep.

“Harry, its 6 in the morning.” He groaned, pulling his pillow over his head.

“But, Niall we’re all going out for breakfast!”

“FOOD!” He shouted, springing out of bed, grabbing a shirt, and sweats, dressing himself as he bolted for the stairs.

What a goof Harry thought to himself, as he followed the leprechaun down the stairs. He really needs go find something better to do with his time, than eat. His relationship with food isn’t healthy. What he really need is a date. Harry continued to think to himself, as he entered the living room.

“You guys ready to go?” Liam asked, as he joined the rest.

“YES FOOD NOW!” Niall, shouted, nearly ripping Liam’s arm off, dragging him out the door.

The rest of the boy’s followed, and they headed down to their favorite little café.

Once they settled in their usual booth, and ordering their food, they sat talking, while they waited.

“So you lads ready for the tour?” Louis asked.

“Yeah, I can’t wait.” Zayn said, smiling.

“Yeah, I need something to keep my mind off Dani.” Liam said, in a low tone.

“Dude, our album just came out, it’s going to the top of the charts, isn’t that enough to keep your mind off her?” Harry asked.

“I guess not, I mean, when we wrote some of these songs, she was on my mind.” He replied, with a sigh.

“Well if you want my opinion….” Zayn started saying, before he was cut off.

“Which I don’t”

“Well I think you need to get back out there, meet someone, join a dating site for crist sakes!” He continued.

“Oh yeah, that would work wonders, I can see it now, on in the about me, Oh I’m Liam from One Direction, that would get me nothing, but obsessed fans, and gold diggers, who only want me for my money, or fame.”

“You know, you don’t have to say that, join anonymously. And get to know the person. Then if you feel you can trust them, and they are someone you really like, then you tell them.” Harry suggested.

“That could work!” Louis said.

Niall just sat their quietly, waiting for his food, he was starving, and didn’t really like the relationship talk, he had been single for so long, and desperately wanted to find someone, but all this talk gave him an idea.

“Why so quiet leprechaun?” Liam asked.

“Huh, oh I’m just tired.” He lied.

“You weren’t when we were on our way here.” Zayn said.

“Well, I wanted food, now I’m just waiting for it.” He replied.

“Well, maybe partake in the conversation, and the time will go by faster.” Harry said, smiling.

Niall let out a sigh, he didn’t really want to join in, he didn’t like that they were badgering Liam. None of them really knew how bad he was hurting, only Niall knew for sure. He had been there for all the tears.


Niall was curled up on his bed, watching grease, it was a typical Friday night, the rest of the guys had dates, so he was the only one home. He didn’t mind really. He liked that it was quiet. Suddenly there was a knocking at his door.

He sighed as he got up to see who it was. He hadn’t heard anyone come in the house. Who could it be? He thought to himself.

When he opened the door, he saw a very distraught Liam, his eyes were red, and puffy, his cheeks tear stained. He had been crying, but why?

“Liam, what’s wrong?” He asked, stepping aside, to allow Liam entrance.

“Sh…” he stuttered, beginning to tear up again.


“Danielle left me.”

“Why would she do such a thing, you two are crazy for each other.”

“I thought so too, but sadly I was wrong, she told me I was too dull, too predictable, and that she needed someone with more of an edge.” He said, now sobbing uncontrollably.

Niall pulled him into a hug, burying his face in Niall’s chest, he continued to cry. Niall didn’t know what to do or say, he wasn’t good in the relationship department, obviously, why else would he be single…right? Niall did the only thing he could, let Liam just cry it out, and just being there for him.

“Thank you, for being here for me.” Liam said, starting to calm down.

“Your my best mate, and I love you, it was no problem. You would have done the same for me.” He replied.



“Can I sleep with you tonight? I don’t wanna be alone?”

“Of course you can, come on, let’s get some sleep.” He replied, turning the tv off, and crawling under the covers.

Liam ditched his jeans, and tshirt, and grabbed a pair of Niall’s sweats, before climbing into bed.

He curled up to Niall’s sides, which too him by surprise, but Liam was upset, so he didn’t care.

“Goodnight Ni, love you.”

“love you too, Li Li.”

*End Of Flashback*

Finally their food arrived, and for the rest of the meal, they all ate in silence. They could tell Niall was irritated, weather he admitted to it or not.


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