Chapter 13

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(A/N okay guy... MATURE CONTENT... Sorry if it sucks.. no pun intended, I'm bad at smut i think haha. anyway here is chapter 13!)

As soon as the two got to their room, Liam pushed Niall on to the bed, eyes filled with passion, and lust. Niall’s eyes filled with the same, he wasn’t sure where this dominate side of Liam came from, but he loved it.

Niall grabbed Liam by the shirt, pulling him down onto the bed, he climbed on top of the brunette, taking control. He was hungry with lust, as he started to kiss Liam again, and it wasn’t long before their hands started exploring again. Niall could feel the growing tension, as he grinding his hips on Liam’s. His hand finally reached Liam’s throbbing member, causing him to let out a loud moan, he knew Liam was just as turned on as him.

“Off.” He demanded, tugging at Liam’s shirt.

Liam did as he was told, taking it off, and throwing it across the room, Niall did the same.

Niall began leaving a trail of light kisses on Liam’s jawline, making his way to the neck. It wasn’t long before he found his sweet spot, and began to leave a love bite, causing Liam’s hips to buck, as he gasped. Once Niall was satisfied with the mark he had left, he continued his way down Liam’s torso, kissing, and leaving love bites, over every inch of it, stopping at his navel. Liam let out a small whimper. He wanted more, and Niall knew this, he took the waist of Liam’s sweats, and removed them, boxers and all in one swift tug, causing Liam’s erection to spring to life. Niall took it in his hand, and began stroking it, causing the brunette, to let our gasps of pleasure. Liam could feel Niall’s warm breath on the tip of it, making him harder by the second.

Liam gave him a wanting look, he couldn’t take the teasing anymore. That’s when Niall took him into his mouth. Liam’s body trembled, pleasure shooting through his body. He knew at this rate, he wouldn’t last long. Niall may be a virgin, but he sure as hell knew what he was doing. Niall could tell Liam was close, he could feel him tensing up, as he licked his length.

“Ni, I’m close.”

This just made Niall grin, as he once again took him into his mouth, causing Liam, to be sent over the edge, releasing himself into the blonde’s mouth.

It wasn’t as bad, as Niall thought it would be, a little salty, but not horrible. Niall licked his lips, getting every last drop.

Liam pulled the blonde back to him, and took control again, ripping off Niall’s sweats, exposing the blonde. Liam couldn’t help but stare at Niall’s exposed body, his pale skin, and toned body, it just turned him on more, Niall was perfect, in every way. He began leaving a trail of love bites all down Niall’s body, before taking him into his mouth, causing Niall to let out a loud groan, that echoed through the room.

Liam continued to suck the blonde, when he spoke.

“Liam, I need you inside me” He gasped out.

“Are you sure?”

Niall gave him a wanting look, and nodded.

Liam reached over for to the table, and grabbed a small bottle of lube, he coated his member with it, and began to line himself up with Niall’s body.

“Ni, tell me if I’m hurting you.”

He nodded

“I’m ready.” He said.

Slowly he began to glide himself into Niall’s entrance. The blonde let out a few groans of pain that were quickly replaced with gasps of pleasure. Once in he gave Niall a look, and Niall nodded, indicating for him to continue. Gently he began thrusting into the blonde, causing both their bodies to tremble. They were both in pure ecstasy. Niall let out extremely loud groans. He knew he wasn’t going to last, this was the driving him over the edge, and fast.

“Li, I’m gunna c…”

Before he could finish the sentence, he shot his load, all over his, and Liam’s chests. This drove Liam over the edge, causing him to release again, this time inside the blonde.

He gently pulled out, before collapsing next to Niall.

Both left gasping for breath.

“Liam, I love you.

“I love you too, Niall.” He replied, about to kiss the leprechaun, where was a knock at their door.

They covered up, and told the person knocking to come in.

Harry walked in with a worried look on his face.

“Guy’s we have a problem.”


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