Chapter 2

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(A/N Okay guys, I am not thrilled with this chapter, but here it is.... Sorry if it is boring!)

Liam’s POV

When the boys returned to their flat, they all went off to their own rooms. As Liam laid on his bed, staring at the celling, he got to thinking about what the other lads had said. Maybe I should try out one of those sites. What harm could it do…right? Maybe this is what I need to get my mind off Dani. Liam grabbed his laptop, and opened up Google. He typed in “Dating Sites”, and clicked on the first one he saw, After reading up on the site for a bit he decided to make an account.

After allot of typing he finally had his profile made, calling himself “TheDarkKnight”, not the most original, but showed off his love for Batman.

Niall’s POV

When Niall got to his room, he instantly went to his computer, he had decided, that he was sick of just waiting to meet someone, he was going to take charge for once. He instantly went to the page his friend, Sean had met his girlfriend, What the hell, he thought as he created his account.  Using the name Summerlovin’, he hoped someone would pick up on the “Grease” reference.

After about twenty minutes, he stumbled on a profile, that seemed like a good fit.

*About Me*

Hey guys, I am TheDarkKnight. I know that’s not my real name, but I just don’t feel right putting it on here. Maybe if I get to know someone well enough, I’ll share my name. I’m just very cautious. I recently went through a break up, and decided that I need to just get back out there. I’m honestly not sure what to put in here, I feel conceded talking about myself, but here goes nothing. I’m 19 years old, and live in London. I’m bisexual, and eventually want to find Mr., or Mrs. Right. I work.. lol, but I don’t feel comfortable sharing details about my job on here, don’t need any stalkers do I? lol, but I will say I love what I do, it is my calling in life. I want to meet someone who loves me for me, the important things. If there is anything you want to know, feel free to ask. I am an open book, if there is a question, I’m not comfortable with, I’ll tell you. Once I get to know someone better, I’ll be more willing to share things(name work etc.). Well, obviously I’m not good at writing these, so I’m gunna stop, before I ramble some more.


Hmm, he seems really closed off, protective of himself, but sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders. Niall thought to himself. What do I have to lose? He continued thinking, deciding to send an IM.

Liam’s POV

Liam sat there for a few, browsing profiles, when he received an IM. That was fast he thought to himself, before checking it.

SummerLovin’: Hey.

TheDarkKnight: Hi, how are you?

SummerLovin’: I’m pretty good, just got done with breakfast. HBU?

TheDarkKnight: Same here actually, btw love the “Grease” reference, my best mate makes me watch it with him all the time.

SummerLovin’: Haha, I honestly didn’t think anyone would catch it. It’s my favorite movie. I’m guessing you’re a Batman fan?

TheDarkKnight: It’s a classic, and yes I love Batman.

Liam sat there, looking at the screen, not sure how this should be going, he had no idea what to talk about, and he didn’t want to make a fool out of himself.

SummerLovin’: Batman is cool. So from what I can see from your profile, your extremely cautious.

TheDarkKnight: Haha yeah, I have allot that is at stake, if I told the wrong person, who I am, and I’m gunna be honest, I have no idea how to go about this convo, what to talk about, or anything like that. I’m not good at these things.

SummerLovin’: I know how you feel, I’m bad at this too, and I can’t let the wrong people know either, that’s why I don’t have a profile picture.

TheDarkKnight: Well, we already have something in common lol. Umm, well I guess we could play a game of 20 questions, and just ask each other random stuff, and no pressure on answering ones your not comfortable with.

SummerLovin’: That would be fine.

For the next few hours Liam, and SummerLovin’ Chatted back, and fourth asking questions, neither pressuring the other to answer questions. Liam thought this person seemed pretty cool, but still he had to stay on his toes, he couldn’t let anything compromise his identity.

Niall’s POV.

This guy seems pretty cool actually.  He thought, but still he might want to play it safe for a little while. He didn’t need this leaking to the press. He could see it now…. 1D member Niall Horan, discovered on a dating site, oh and he’s gay!.... That would just be fantastic, it it got out, but still he enjoyed talking to TheDarkKnight. They had planned on chatting again later, and if things seemed okay, they would exchange KIK id’s.

Niall finally emerged from his room around lunch time, he was starving, so he made his way to the kitchen, for some leftover Nando’s.

In a way he felt like his love life might just turn around.

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