Chapter 14

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(A/N Okay I was gunna post this after work, but I couldn't wait!)

“Guy’s we have a problem.” Harry said, with a worried look on his face.

“What is it?” Niall asked.

“Put it on E!”

Niall grabbed the remote, and clicked through the channels, before finding it.

I’m Giuliana Rancic for E! News, It’s time today’s so true so false. Is Niam Real? This is… Well were not sure. A paparazzi spotted the two in Los Angeles early this morning, walking down the street, this isn’t anything unusual for the One Direction boys, but later they were spotted, in a secluded park, where these pictures were taken.

They couldn’t believe their eyes, on the screen before them were photos of them snogging in the park. Seeing this made their jaws drop.

“How did they get these? Niall shouted.

“There was no one in the park, but is!”

So Directioners, how do you feel about this, do you think it’s true? No word from them, or their management. We will keep you updated as this story develops.

“Have the other lad’s seen this?” Liam asked.

“No, we are the only ones up.” He said.

“And I wouldn’t be up either, but sadly I was woken by the sounds of hot Niam sex!” He continued…

Both their faces turned bright red.

“Sorry.” They both said, in unison.

“I can’t wait to see what Simon is going to say about this.” Harry said.

Just as he said that, Liam’s phone began to ring.

“Speak of the devil.” Liam said.

He quickly answered it.


“LIAM, YOU AND NIALL GET YOUR ASSES TO MY OFFICE NOW!, Paul will be waiting for you in the lobby”


“Well this can’t be good.” Liam said.

“What did he say?” Niall asked.

“That Paul is waiting for us in the lobby, we need to go to his LA office.”

“Don’t worry thing will be fine.” Harry said, as he left the room.

 *Later at Simon’s office*

“I hope you know why I’ve called you here.” He said.

“We have a feeling.” Liam said, weakly.

Simon slammed a pile of pictures on the desk, they were the ones they saw on tv.


“We didn’t think anyone was around.” Niall said.


The boys stayed silent for a moment, while Simon calmed himself.

“Do you guys know how serious this is?” He asked.

“We planned on telling you guys, but after the tour.” Liam said.

“So you guys are dating?”

They both nodded.

“I won’t allow it. You are to put a stop to it right now! You are going to post on twitter that pics are not real!”

“And if we don’t?” Niall said, sounding angry.

“Then I will put a stop to it!” He shouted.

“You can’t tell us who we can, and can’t date!” Liam shouted.

“LIAM, and I love each other, and that’s all that matters!”

“I can do whatever I please! If you do not put a stop to this right now, for the sake of the band I will be forced to take action!”

“For your information, the lads support us 100%!” Liam shouted.

“One Direction, cannot have gay members. It will destroy the band.”

“It will do nothing of the sort, haven’t you seen all the fan fictions? They want it to happen!” Niall said.

“That’s just writing, this is the real world.”

“Well Liam and I love each other, and don’t plan on breaking up!”

“Well then you leave me no choice. You two are not to be together at any time other than concerts, interviews, and band related work. Niall you are moving to your own hotel suite, and there will be security at your doors at all times, keeping you two apart! You are to have no contact with each other that is why I am blocking each other’s numbers on your phones, and having all communication devices confiscated.”

 “YOU CAN’T DO THAT!” Niall shouted.

“I can do whatever I choose. You are under contract.”

“But our contracts, don’t allow you to take away our human rights!” Liam shouted, his face red with anger.

“It allows me to do what I feel is best for the group. You will see in time that this is the best for the group.

“Well what if we quit the band?” Niall said, anger growing by the second.

“Then I will take you guys to court for breach of contract.”

“Now get out of my sight!”

Could Simon really do this to them? How could he be so cruel. Little did he know what his actions were about to cause.

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