Chapter 16

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(A/N Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a few days and sorry that this is so short.... But I hope to update a few times today!)

It had been almost a month since Simon split up Niall, and Liam, and things were not getting any better. Sure they saw each other at the shows, or interviews, and they had found ways of communicating, but they were still miserable. They will pull it together for the public, but inside they were dead.

Niall’s POV

Harry had been staying with Niall, so he wasn’t totally alone, but no matter which one of the lads was with him, he still felt alone. His whole world had been ripped from him, and it seemed there was no escape from this injustice.

“Haz, I don’t know how much more of this I can take, seeing him at the shows, or an interview, and not being able to hold him, kiss him, let alone even be near him. It’s becoming too much.” The blonde said, crying in Harry’s arms.

“Niall the lads, and I will fix this don’t worry.”

“But how?”

“Don’t worry about it, now you need to eat.”

“No, I’m not hungry.”

“Niall Horan not hungry?”


“Okay, if you don’t eat, I’ll go tell Liam, that you are refusing to eat.” Harry said, sounding 100% serious.

That threat worked every time.

Harry began talking again, as Niall forced himself to eat.

“Don’t worry about how the lads and I intend to fix this, just know that we will, and by this time next week you and Liam will be together.”

The thought made him smile, It was the first unforced smile in a while. Harry knew that Niall believed him, he waved to the blonde as he left the room.

Harry’s POV

As soon as he was out of the room he pulled out his phone, and called Zayn, and almost instantly he answerd.

“How is the leprechaun holding up?” He asked, as soon as he answered.

“Not good, he’s still refusing to eat, but I used the usual threat, and that worked.  How’s Liam?”

“Just as bad, for the past hour all he’s been doing is out on the balcony, with a bottle of UV Blue, and MY Cigarettes.”


“I know, but at this point he doesn’t care.”

“Zayn It’s time we talk to Simon, He’s in town, we are gunna fix this now.”

“Are you saying we’re gunna do what I think you’re thinking?”

“Yes, we are gunna tell him, if he doesn’t put a stop to this mess now, then we are all gunna walk.

“And if we end up walking there are thousands of labels that would sign us in a heartbeat, and not treat our best friends Simon is. Zayn said.

“Tell Louis to get ready I’m gunna call Paul, and have him take us to Simon, he’s fed up with all this too.”

“See you in a few.”

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