Chapter 12

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(A/N Hey guys, sorry I didn't post yesterday, but this chapter is pretty long, I hope it's good! I can't wait for the next few chapters I have allot planned!)

*11 hours later*

“No matter how many times we fly to LA, It never gets any better” Zayn said, as he fell on to the couch, in their hotel suite.

“I know, 11 hours is a bit much. I don’t see why we can’t start our tour in New York.” Harry groaned.

“Well lads, we have a  day off to get over the jet lag, so let’s get some sleep.” Lou said, sounding perky as ever.

“Louis, how can you be so bubbly, after such a long flight?” Niall asked, as he sat down.

“Well maybe if you all slept on the plain like I told you to, you wouldn’t be tired.” He replied.

“Piss off, Lou.” Niall said.

“Awe is the leprechaun grumpy today?” Lou said, ruffling the blonde’s hair.

“Lad’s let’s just figure out who gets what room, and go to sleep.” Liam said, sounding exhausted.

“Who’s gunna share a room, there is only four.” Zayn said, as they all looked at Liam, and Niall.

“I think the “Niam” family should share.” Harry said, with a cheeky grin on his face.

“That’s fine I just want to sleep.” Niall said.

“Yeah sure.” Louis said

Both Liam, and Niall’s faces turned bright red.

“For your information, Niall and I are the only innocent ones in the group.” Liam pointed out.

“Really Li, did they really need to know that?” Niall said, his face still red.

“I’m sure that will change soon.” Zayn said, chuckling.

“Let’s just go to bed.” Harry said.

“Night guys.” Liam said, as him and Niall made their way, to a room, and closed the door.

“So, five bucks, says they bone before we leave California.” Lou said.

“Just drop it lou, they will when they are ready, besides it’s none of our business, what happens in the “Niam bedroom”

“Yeah, but I just don’t get how they can go 19 years without getting laid, at least once.”

“Lou, your too obsessed with people’s sex lives” Harry said, walking to his room.

“Yeah dude, drop it.” Zayn added, also leaving for his room.

“I’m just sayin they need to get on it.”

“Whatever.” Zayn said, as he closed his door.

Niall’s POV

“I can’t believe you told them that we were virgins.” Niall said, as he was digging in his bag for his pjs.

“Well I actually said innocent.” Liam chuckled.

“Well that sill implies that we are virgins”

“Nothing wrong with that love.” Liam said.

“I know, but just kinda embarrassing.. that’s all” Niall said.

“Nothing to be embarrassed about, it will just make it so much more special, if and when we finally do.” Liam said, crawling into bed.

“Your right, this is why I love you, you always look on the brighter side.” He said, as he crawled into bed, and gave him a quick peck.

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