Chapter 10

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(A/N Okay guys here is chapter 10! its all Liam's POV, but its also cute i think)

*3 weeks later*

Liam, and Niall were on top of the world. They felt like nothing could stop them. They had only been together not for about three weeks, but they both knew this is what they wanted. Nothing had really changed between them. They were together all the time, as always. The only difference was there was that they were a couple. They did things normal couples did, like when Niall didn’t think anyone was looking he would steal a kiss. Something Liam had no problem with.

Liam’s POV:

The rest of the lads had gone out to a club, it was their last night in London, before leaving for the states, so Niall, and Liam opted to stay home. They wanted some alone time before they left. They knew that once the tour started they would have to be careful. None of the lads knew what was going on except for Harry, and he was doing quite well at keeping their secret.

“Well the lads are going to be out for a while, what do you wanna do?” Liam asked, as he and Niall walked into the empty flat.

“Since this is our last night at home, I think we should just cuddle up in bed, and watch a movie.” He replied.

“Sounds great, why don’t you go pick out a movie, and I’ll make some popcorn.”

“Okay.” Niall said, leaning up, and giving Liam a quick peck on the lips.

When they kissed, Liam felt like nothing else mattered, he would go weak at the knees, and butterflies would be fluttering in his stomach. No matter if it was a little peck, or a full on snog. Niall just had that effect on him.

As Liam, made the popcorn, he couldn’t help but feel happy. How could I get so lucky?  He thought. When the popcorn was done he made his way up to his room, Where Niall was putting an a movie.

“So what are we watching?” He asked.

“P.S. I Love You” He replied.

“Forever the leprechaun I see.” Liam chuckled.

“Hey, that’s not nice Mr.” Niall said, kissing Liam’s forehead.

“I honestly love that movie though.”


The two cuddled up in bed, and started the movie. There was nothing but silence, they just cuddled, enjoying each other’s company, and it wasn’t long until Liam heard light snores. Liam looked down at his sleeping leprechaun, and smiled. Liam was in a state of awe. He still couldn’t believe everything that has been happening to him. He barely remembered what’s her name. With Niall everything just felt natural. He felt that he could really be himself. He knew it was too soon to judge, but he knew foolishly completely fallen in love with Niall. Wait, it’s too soon, or was it? He thought. He could still do nothing, but smile. He shut the TV off, and kissed His sleeping angel on the cheek.

“I love you Ni.”

He curled up next to him, and drifted off to sleep.

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