Chapter 21

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(A/N Sorry it I haven't updated in a few days! I have been very busy, and now here is the update! The next chapter is the final chapter, besides maybe an epilogue! Hope you have liked the story!)

The boys looked at Simon stunned. Did he just ask what they thought?

“Do you two really love each other? He asked again.

“I love Liam with all my heart. I use to be miserable, I was alone, and the only one of the lads that was single. It’s not fun being lonely, and Liam he saved me from it. He made me feel loved, for once in my life. I am truly happy when I am around him. I can be myself, and not to worry about being judged, and for that he has forever won my heart. Niall said, beginning to tear up.

Simon, hear the truth in Niall’s words. He didn’t know what to say.

“Simon what you have done is terrible. You have hurt us more than you will ever know. I love Niall more than anyone could ever love another person. He completes me, he is the one person who truly gets me. The time we have spent apart thanks to you has been unbearable. You have no idea the severity of what you have done to us. It’s not only affected Niall and I, it’s affected the lads too, they were the ones who had to deal with us.”

“Niall even attempted to hang himself” Harry cut in.

“Thanks Haz, but I have this under control. The point I’m trying to make is, you may have forced us apart, but the love we share will never break. I know it we have only been together a short time, but I know the love we share is real, and we have nothing to prove to you or anyone else.”

Liam’s words stung like a knife, had he really put them through all that? It was then that Simon knew what he had to do. With tears in his own eyes he tore the contract to shreds. The boys gave him a confused look.

“Liam, Niall I’m sorry. I see now what my actions have caused. No words can fully fix what I have done. I have come to a decision. I am not going to drop you, and all bans will be lifted, that is if you will stay with us. I truly wish I could have seen this in the first place. I’m looking at you, and I see it in your eyes. The way you looked at each other, when telling me of your love for each other. Your words have humbled me, and I cannot believe I acted as stupid as I did. I wish there was something I could do to gain your forgiveness, but that will take time, and if you stay I will prove to you how truly sorry I am.”

The boys sat there, and pondered over Simon’s words. They could hear the sincerity in his voice.

“Simon, we will stay, but another stunt like this, and we walk got it!” Harry said, speaking for all five of them.

“You have my word, now you guys go rest up, you have a show tonight, and Niall will be moved to your suite right away.”

They all smiled, as they stood up, and left the office.

Niall and Liam, left the office hand in hand, have a sense of freedom. They were finally able to show the world how much they loved each other.

As the exited the building, a swarm of fans had gathered eagerly awaiting an announcement. They wanted to know, would One Direction be walking from the lable?

When they walked out it was silent, until a lone fan asked, “Is everything fixed?”

“Liam and I are proud to announce, that we have won! We are staying with Syco, and have gained our freedom. The show tonight will go as planned, and this is all thanks to you guys. Without your constant love, and support we wouldn’t be here right now, and for that we are all eternally grateful, and you are all in our hearts.” Niall said, then kissing Liam passionately, sending the crowd into loud cheers, and shouting Niam forever.

After taking a few photos, and some autographs, they all returned to the hotel. Liam, and Niall went to their room, for some much needed Niam time, and what did they do? Sleep, well Niall did anyway, Liam on the other hand had a plan, and he only had a few hours to take care of it.  

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