Chapter 15

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The car ride back to the hotel was silent. Neither of them knew what to say, they were stunned. How could Simon do such a horrible thing.

As soon as they got back to the room, the boys were all waiting, to find out what was going on.

“Hey lads, what did Simon say?” Harry asked, as they walked in.

The two didn’t answer, instead they just went off to their room.

Liam’s POV

“Can I help you Ni?” Liam asked, in a low tone, you could tell by the sound of his voice, that he was crushed.

“No, I got this.” He said, grabbing the few things he unpacked, and put them into his bag.

“I don’t see how he can do this to us, it’s not fair.”

“I know it’s not Li, but Simon can do what he wants. He doesn’t care about us, all he cares about is the money we make for him.”

“Sure seems like it.” Liam said, sitting down on the bed, trying to fight back his tears.

Niall sat down, and pulled Liam into his loving embrace.

“Li, we will get through this, No matter how long it takes, I’ll be waiting for the moment that I can finally hold you in my arms again.”

“I love you so much Niall.”

“I love you more than anything, Liam.” He replied, fighting back his own tears.

Niall gently kissed his boyfriend, knowing it would be the last time for a long time, that he able to, so he savored the moment. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

A security guard, walked in there room, Niall and Liam had never seen him before, this only confirmed that Simon was serious.

“Mr. Horan grab your things, and give your Laptop, and other communication devices to Paul on our way out, and Mr. Payne, Paul will come get yours as well.”

Niall nodded as he stood up, tears now falling from his face.

“I love you Liam.” He said, as he was escorted out.

Liam just sat there, and watched the greatest thing that had ever happened in his life walk out the door, and as soon as the door was shut all his tears just began pouring from his eyes.

He laid down on the bed, and buried his face in Niall’s pillow, just letting the tears pour.

Soon after Niall had left, Paul came and retrieved Liam’s devices, and gave him a sympathetic look, and right after he left, the remaining lads entered the room.

“What the hell is going on, and where is Niall going?” Zayn asked, as he sat down next to the crying brunette.

“Simon said that if Niall and I didn’t break up, he would make sure we weren’t together and when we refused, he told us he was going to keep us apart, we aren’t allowed to be near each other unless its work related. We are also not allowed to talk to each other.” Liam said, still crying uncontrollably.

“He can’t do that!” Harry shouted.

“Yes he can, and is. We threatened to quit, but he said if we did he would take us to court, for breach of contract.”

“How could Simon of all people do something like this, it’s not right. If you guys love each other, then what’s it matter.”

“He said that it would destroy the band, he said that One Direction could not have any gay members.”

The boys, just sat their stunned. They couldn’t believe what they were hearing. It was unreal! He was taking away their human rights!

Don’t worry Liam, one way or another we are going to fix this, even if it means we have to buy ourselves out of our contracts.” Louis said, the other two boys nodding in agreement.

“I can’t let you guys give up on your dreams, just for my happiness.”

“Oh come on, you do and do for us, it’s our turn, and besides, If it came to that, we wouldn’t be out of work long. We’re the biggest boy band in the world, there are plenty of record companies that would kill to sign us.” Harry said.

He’s right Liam, if it’s what we have to do, then we will. We love you and Niall more than anything, and would do anything to see you happy.” Louis said.

“Harry, go find out where they sent Niall, you know you’re the only one, besides Liam, that he will listen to.”

Harry nodded, and went on his way as the other two stayed behind, trying to calm “Daddy Direction” down.


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