Chapter 8

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Liam’s POV

Liam got out of the cab a few blocks away, he wanted a few minutes to ready himself. He was both excited, and nervous at the same time. He wasn’t sure how this guy will react to his true identity, but he didn’t care at this point, he was just too happy. Suddenly he felt his phone vibrate, in his pocket. He fumbled to get it out.

SummerLovin’: Okay, Im by the eye, I’m wearing a green zip up hoodie, with a white t-shirt underneath it, and Black skinny jeans, with converse.

Liam smiled at the message, he could just picture him now.

TheDarkKnight: Sounds like you look cute today ;) and I’m just about there, I’m wearing a red plaid button up shirt, with grey skinnys, and black converse.

SummerLovin’: I try, and it sounds like your lookin’ cute today too! Can’t wait to finally meet you! So I guess I’ll see you in a few huh?

Niall’s POV.

TheDarkKnight: Yupp, I’m not gunna lie, I’m a little nervous, but I’m excited.

SummerLovin’: Same here.

Niall was sitting on a bench waiting for “TheDarkKnight” to show up. He was having a hard time containing his excitement. He was about to meet the sweetest guy he had ever talked to. Who knows where this could lead. Maybe things will work out.

Niall was looking off into the distance, when out of nowhere Liam appeared. Liam had obviously seen him, and approached him.

“Hey Ni, what are you doing here?” He asked.

“Oh… Um, I had gone on a drive, and decided to stop, and you?” He replied.

“Oh just on a walk….”

By this point Niall pulled out his phone, to send “DarkKnight” a message…..

(Funny isn’t it they are so intent on keeping things a secret they fail to notice what the other one is wearing… lol)

Liam’s POV

Liam could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket, but he dare not answer it, not while he was talking to Niall.

“Well I guess, I’ll leave you alone. See you at home?”

“Yeah…” Niall replied, sounding nervous.

As Liam walked away he pulled out his phone, and read the message. He figured “SummerLovin’” had spotted him, and was telling him where he was.

SummerLovin’: Hey If you end up spotting me, gimme a sec, my roommate just showed up here, and is talking to me.

Liam just read the message over, and over. Something didn’t seem right… He was exactly where “SummerLovin’” said he would be, and the only one he saw was Niall. There was no one else in that area. Then he thought back to what Niall was wearing… Suddenly it hit him, like a ton of bricks……

Niall’s POV

Niall stood there waiting for a reply. He hoped he hadn’t scared “DarkKnight” off. He decided to send him another message.

SummerLovin’: Hey where are you? Did I scare you off when I said my roommate was here?

He sat there for about 5 minutes before he got a reply.

TheDarkKnight: Umm, yeah kinda, But I’m on my way I’m not that far, should be there in a few minutes.

SummerLovin’: I’m sorry… See you soon! =)

… Niall stood there waiting, when Liam suddenly appeared to him again.. What now? He thought to himself. He loved Liam to death, he was his best mate, but really he was messing this all up for him. As Liam came into better view, Niall noticed something. Grey skinnys, red plaid shirt. OMG He thought to himself. All this time he had been talking to… to… Liam!

Liam’s POV

How could I have been this stupid? He thought. It all made sense. How could he have not realized before that he was talking to Niall, his best mate. He wondered, did Niall know? Only one way to find out.

“Back again Li?” Niall said, sounding shy.

“Um.. yeah.”

“Everything okay?” Niall asked.

“Yeah… Okay I’m gunna say something, and it has anything to do with you, then we will go from there, if not then forget I said anything. I know it sounds weird, but just work with me here.”

Niall stood there, remaining silent, but nodded. It was like he already knew what Liam was going to say.

“SummerLovin’?” Liam said, softly.

“GREASE!” Niall instantly said.

Liam sighed, and was about to walk away, when Niall spoke again.

“Li, wait.” He said, in a low tone.




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