Chapter 3

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(A/N Hey guys! It's update time! anyways here is the next chapter! It may seem like its moving fast, and that the story will be short, but I needed it to move at this pace, and It's still gunna be awhile before they meet, I have all that already planned out)

It had been about a month since “TheDarkKnight” and “SummerLovin’” had first started to talking to each other, and things couldn’t have been better! The two had exchanged KIK’s, and were constantly messaging each other. Not a day went by where they didn’t talk.

Liam’s POV

Liam was actually happy, he felt a real connection with this guy, and the other’s had noticed too. He wasn’t sulking around the flat anymore. None of them had any idea why he was suddenly so cheerful, but they didn’t question it, all they wanted was to see him smile, and that’s what was happening.

He would be messaging “SummerLovin’” from the time he got up till the time he went to bed. Things were going great, but there were still aspects of his life he kept quiet about, mainly his name, and career. “SummerLovin’” did the same, and didn’t pressure Liam into revealing anything he didn’t want to. They both agreed that if, and when they decided to meet, is when they would reveal their names. Liam was excited, he really wanted to meet, but “SummerLovin’” wasn’t ready for that, and Liam didn’t push it. He was just happy he had someone he could talk to, not that he couldn’t talk to the other lads, it just felt natural talking to this guy, a complete stanger.

TheDarkKnight: You are seriously the sweetest person I have ever talked to.

SummerLovin’: I try, but I’m not as sweet as you. When I talk to you, I feel like nothing matters, that I’m not gunna be judged.

TheDarkKnight: That’s exactly how I feel talking to you.

Liam had the biggest grin on his face, he was so sucked into his conversation, that he didn’t even notice Harry enter the room, until he took Liam’s phone.

“So this is why you have been so happy huh?” He said.

“What the hell Haz, gimme my phone back.” Liam replied, sounding irritated.

“So who is SummerLovin’?” Harry asked, grinning.

“Well if you give me my phone back, and keep your big yap shut, I’ll tell you.” He said, sounding more irritated.

Harry gave him his phone back, and waited for an explanation.

“Okay, he’s this guy I met.”

“Guy?” Harry asked, sounding confused.

Shit. Liam thought, he hadn’t come out to the guys at all.

“Yes Harry, a guy. I’m Bisexual.”

“Awe that’s so sweet, now tell me about this mystery man.”

“Not much to tell, we have been chatting for about a month, and he’s really sweet. He lives here in London, and he’s 19.”

“Wow that’s descriptive. What’s his name?”

Liam knew he would ask that.

“I honestly don’t know, we both agreed to keep our identities a secret until we meet. If we meet that is.”

“Why don’t you meet?” He asked.

“He’s not ready to, but he does want to, and quite honestly I’m not ready to either. Now if you’re asking questions, how bout you go bug the leprechaun for a bit, I’m sure you need some “Narry” time.”

“Fine, you’re no fun anyway.” Harry said, making his way to the door.

“Hey Haz?”


“Promise not to tell the guys, not just yet anyway.”

“My lips are sealed.

Niall’s POV.

Niall felt like he was on cloud nine, he couldn’t be any happier, and to his surprise, he kept it well hidden from the other lads. He loved talking to “TheDarkKnight”, and really wanted to meet him, but he still was too nervous to. He wanted to be 100% sure he was ready to.

He laid on his bed waiting for a reply, when there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.” he said, staring at the new message on his phone

TheDarkKnight: Sorry it took so long to reply, my roommate took my phone.

SummerLovin’: It’s okay, but gimme a sec, mine just walked in my room.

Niall managed to send the message before Harry walked in.

“Hey Ni, what’s up.”

“Not much, just texting. What have you been up to?”

“Nothing really, you have been kinda distant for the past few weeks, is everything okay?” He replied.

“I’m great actually.” He said, with glee.

Niall felt like he was going to burst with excitement. He was so excited, that he decided to tell Harry all about what’s been going on.

“Can you keep a secret Haz?”

“You know I can, what’s on your mind?”

“Well I met someone.” He said, calmly.

“Really! That’s fantastic, who is she?”

“He Haz, I’m gay, I figured you guys knew.”

“I honestly had no idea, anyway who is he?”

“Well I met him online, he’s 19, and lives here in London.”

“Well what’s the lucky bloke’s name?”

“This is where it gets complicated. We both agreed to keep our names a secret, until we meet, safety reasons, and all.”

“Smart thinking, blondie.” He said, ruffling his hair.

“Yeah, but he is literally the sweetest guy ever, and I really want to meet him.

“Yeah, how sweet is he?”

Niall handed him his phone, and let Harry read through the conversation. 

(A/N Ohhhh Harry knows a secret, will he keep it... will he put 2 and 2 together?)

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