Chapter 20

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(A/N Sorry I haven't updated in a few days I have been very busy! anyway here is the update! I hope it doesn't suck lol)

Niall’s POV

Niall woke the next morning groggy as ever. He wouldn’t even be awake at all if it weren’t for Harry. He had come to wake him up. They had been called down to Simon’s office, he said he had something important to discuss with them. The thought of it worried him. What was Simon going to do? Was he finally going to let him, and Liam be together? Or would he just make life worse for them. Only one way to find out.

When Niall got in the car, he was stunned at what he saw. LIAM! Usually they were forced to ride in different cars, so what made today different? Hell Niall didn’t care, all he wanted was his Liam.

“LIAM!” Niall yelled, pouncing on the brunette.

“OMG, NIALL!” he shouted, pulling the blonde into his embrace.

“I love you so much Li, These past weeks have been hell.”

“Niall… Shut up, and kiss me!”  Liam said, closing the distance between the two.

Niall didn’t hesitate.  It had been so long since he had been able to kiss him, to hold him.

What began as a simple kiss, turned into a full on snog, in a matter of moments. The other lads didn’t seem to mind though. They had been treated so horribly, they deserved it.

“Niall, I love you more than anything in the world.” Liam said, tears in his eyes.

“I missed you so much.” Niall replied, resting his heat on the brunette’s shoulder.

“So I wonder what Simon wants.” Harry said, finally breaking the silence between the rest of them.

“Think we scared him enough to cave?” Lou asked.

“I’m not sure….” Zayn replied.

“I’m sure he’s pretty pissed about out twitcam.” Harry said, with an evil looking grin.

Liam and Niall paid no attention, they were off in their own little world, not wasting a single second together.

Simon’s POV

Simon was walking back, and fourth in his office. He was still so unsure about everything. Had he made the right decision? Was he wrong? He was so confused right now. Why would the others risk their careers, so Liam and Niall could date? All this stress was going to be the death of him he thought.

“Mr. Cowell, The boys are here.” Sally said, over the intercom

“Send them in please.”

“Right away.”

Right as she said that, all five of them stormed in. Niall and Liam hand in hand.

“Please take a seat.” He said, gesturing to the five chairs in front of his desk.

They all took a seat, as did Simon, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Niall and Liam.

He didn’t know what to say to them.

“Well Boys I bet you’re all wondering why I have called you all here.”

They all nodded.

“I have come to a decision. I have here a contract for you all to sign.” He said, holding the contract in front of them.

“What kind of contract?” Zayn asked, sounding confused.

“I have decided that I am releasing you from your contracts…”

The boys looked at him stunned.

“I feel it would be better if we parted ways, I am giving you full rights to everything!” he continued sounding unsure.

The lads were speechless, they didn’t know what to say. They never would have dreamed he would do this.

Simon still couldn’t take his eyes off Niall and Liam. They both looked horrible. Is this what he had done to them…. He looked down at the photos laying on his desk. They looked so in love. How could he have missed that. It was then he realized maybe just maybe he was making a huge mistake!

“I have one question for you two.” He said, looking at Niall, and Liam

“Do you really love each other?”

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