Chapter 19

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(A/N This is the last update tonight... I got plans I gotta do!)

The boys needed to tell the others what they had done. They knew both Niall, and Liam were going to be angry, but they didn’t care it would pass.

Harry’s POV

Harry made his way to Niall’s room. He was nervous, he knew he was in store for a bunch of yelling, but he didn’t care.

When he got to the door, he was greeted by one of the guards, who happily let him in. As he walked into the room, he could hear Niall’s muffled sobs, but he couldn’t see him anywhere.

“Niall?” he called out.

He could hear him, but he couldn’t see him. Suddenly he heard a loud crash come from the closet, and he rushed over to it.

“Niall!” he yelled out as he opened the door, and what he saw was too horrifying for words. Niall was curled up in a ball on the floor, arms covered in blood, belt around his neck, curtain rod snapped in two on the floor.

“Niall are you okay!” he shouted.

The blonde just looked up at him with his tear stained eyes, they were no longer blue as the ocean, they were dull and grey.

“Niall, what were you thinking?” He asked, as he crouched down, and pulled the leprechaun into his embrace.

“I..I…can’t take this anymore Haz, I just want it all to end.”

“Niall look at me, this is not the answer! How would Liam feel if you had succeeded? He would have been more crushed.

Niall looked up at Harry, new tears pouring from his eyes, he knew Harry was right.

“Come on let’s get you cleaned up.” Harry said, as he stood up, and extended his hand to Niall.

Niall nodded in agreement.

Liam’s POV

The taste of alcohol was bitter, but he didn’t care. There was no point, the one person he cared about most was taken from him, and at this point it seemed like there was no hope. The thought of it made him feel like he was being stabbed repetitively in the heart, and the alcohol helped with the pain. he knew he shouldn’t be drinking, due to his kidneys, but he didn’t care at this point.

It seems that all he does anymore is sit here, staring out in the distance, and get drunk, the only thing that kept him from doing anything drastic.

he sat there, thinking of Niall, and the life they could have had, when he felt a touch on his shoulder. He turned around to see Zayn with a big smile on his face.

“You know Li, you shouldn’t be drinking.” He said, as he lit a cigarette.

Liam took the pack from him, and lit one for himself. I knew he shouldn’t be smoking either, but hell it went well with the booze.

“I know, but I really don’t care. It’s not like I have anything better to do.”

“Well I have something to tell you.” Zayn said, taking a drag off his smoke.

“And what’s that.” I say, doing the same.

“Well promise not to kill us?”


“Harry, Lou, and I did a twitcam.”

“So, why would I get mad at that?”

“It was about you, and Niall.”

Liam perked up, he didn’t know if he should be mad or not?

“What about us.”

“We told the fans that the pictures were real.” He said.

“WHAT! Simon is going to kill you!”

“We already talked to him, we told him if he doesn’t fix this within 24 hours, that we are all walking, and taking him to court, and we told the fans everything that he has been doing, and saying, and what our plan was.”

“Zayn, you guys can’t give everything up, just to make Niall, and I happy.”

“Don’t worry if we end up walking, we aren’t giving anything up, L.A. Reed is willing to sign us, and he will help us get all the rights to everything we have done.”

Liam looked up at zayn with wide eyes. He was stunned, could this work? Would he finally be reunited with his Nialler?

“And, the fans our behind us 100%, look at twitter!” Zayn said, handing Liam his phone.

He looked at the world wide trends, and he couldn’t believe what he saw. #SaveNiam, #NiamForever, #Let’sBringDownSimon, #FuckYouSimonCowell.

“The fans are really with us.”


“Does Niall know yet?”

Niall’s POV

“You did what?” Niall asked, as Harry was cleaning his arms up.

“We told the world what Simon was doing, and threated to leave the label.”


“Niall, no buts. We did this for you guys, everything will turn out fine.”

Simon’s POV

This is not good. He thought to himself, as he read through twitter. The fans were in a frenzy, and he was getting allot of hate. The press were hounding him for a statement, but he wouldn’t budge. He knew he had to do this. He looked down, at the newly written contract, that would release 1D from their contracts, and leave them with full rights to all their work.

Am I making the right decision? He knew that things were going to do downhill, but he doesn’t want to cave, he doesn’t want a bunch of teenagers, who don’t understand anything walk all over him.

He pulled twitter back up only to see both Harry, and Zayn had posted pics. Harry’s pic of what Niall had done to himself, and Zayn’s was of what has become of Liam. Did I cause this?

“Sally.” He said, over the intercom.

“Yes sir?”

“Am I making a mistake?”

“Sir you fail to realize what you have done. You have taken these two boys, who are in love with each other, and crushed them, destroyed them, and its tearing the rest of them down too. Now I want you to seriously think about this, and tell me if you’re making the right decision.”

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