Chapter 22

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(A/N Okay guys this is it! The final chapter! I really hope you guys liked the story! I'm unsure if there will be an epilogue or not... I'm kinda bad at them, but we will see! Anyway here is the final chapter!)

Liam’s POV

Once Niall was asleep, Liam snuck out of the hotel. He had allot to do in such a short amount of time. He walked the streets of New York in search of the perfect ring. He stumbled upon a small little shop, it looked like no one had gone in it for years. He thought maybe they might have what he was looking for, so he decided to check it out.

As he entered, he looked around at all the glass cases full of fine jewelry, everything was beautiful. The elderly man at the counter noticed Liam’s presents, and came to assist him.

“Is there anything I can do for you?” The man asked.

“Yes actually I’m looking for an engagement ring.” Liam replied, offering a huge grin.

“Excellent, tell me about the lucky lady.” The man said, with a smile.

Liam was stunned, had he actually found someone who had no idea who he was?

“Um… it’s a guy.” Liam said, hoping to not freak the shop keeper out.

“Okay, tell me about the lucky guy.” The man said, continuing to grin.

“Well his name is Niall, and we are in a band together. We are actually quite popular.”

“Have you made it big yet?” He asked, sounding quite interested.

“Yeah, we are on a world tour, four of us are from England, and Niall is from Ireland. We were formed on the tv show x-Factor.”

“Wait, you’re in that One Direction group, my granddaughter likes, aren’t you?”

“That would be us.”

“I was just about to make some tea, how about you and I take a seat, and you can tell me everything about Niall.”

Liam agreed, and the two sat there for the next two hours, as Liam told the man every last detail about Niall, and what Simon had done to them. The elder, listened intently, nodding when appropriate, and smiling.

“I think I have the perfect rings for you two, follow me.” The man said, standing up, and gesturing for Liam to follow.

“Well Liam have a look at these.” He said, smiling.

Liam opened the box, and saw the most beautiful silver bands he had ever seen. They were shiny as can be, and had tiny diamonds in them. Liam’s jaw dropped when he saw them. They were perfect.

“They’re beautiful, how much are you asking for them, money is no object.” Liam said.

“Your words have touched me, and I can see that you are truly in love with Niall. I have been waiting a long time for someone to come, who are deserving of these, and you and Niall are. So that is why I would like to give them to you, as a wedding gift, all I ask is that you treasure the moments you have with him, you never know when something could happen.”

“Sir, are you sure? These seem like they would be awfully expensive.” Liam said, stunned.

“These rings mean allot to me, and I want to see them go to a couple who are truly in love.”

“If I may ask why do they mean so much to you?”

The man took a deep breath, and began to speak.

“About two years ago, my grandson, was going to be marrying the love of his life, and these were the rings I had given him for the occasion.  Joey, and Matt were made for each other. I could see it in their eyes how in love they were. The day of the wedding came, and everything was perfect. They were about to say their vows, when gunshots rang out. There at the alter they had been gunned down.”

The man paused for a second, tearing up a bit.

“Their lives were tragically taken away, due to hate, and prejudice. After everything ended, the rings were returned to me, and I can see that you love your Niall, as much as my Joey loved his Matthew. “

Liam stood there for a second, stunned. He couldn’t believe what he just heard. He couldn’t believe that this man, was willing to part with these rings, that obviously meant so much to him.

“Sir, I’m not sure if I can accept theses. They obviously mean allot to you.”

“You can, and you will. I will even engrave the one you propose with if you would like, all I ask is that you remain true to him.”

“Thank you so much!” Liam said.

Liam waited about fifteen minutes, and the man had returned, with the engraved ring. Liam looked it over, and it was perfect. “Been Here All Along” it read.

Liam thanked the man again, and headed back to the hotel. He had been gone so long, he hoped the others hadn’t noticed he had left. He looked at his phone, and saw he had a text from Niall.

*Where did you go?* - Niall

*I woke up, and you were still sleeping so I decided to go get something for us to eat.* - Liam

*FOOOOD!!!* - Niall

*I’ll be back in a bit* - Liam

*I love you* - Niall

*I love you too* - Liam

Niall’s POV.

*The concert*

It was the first show that Liam and Niall were able to show their true colors, and it couldn’t have been going any better.

They had just finished singing “Little Things”, and were about to start the next song, when Liam began to speak

“The past few weeks have been Hell for Niall and I, and I just want to thank your from the bottom of my heart for all the love and support.”

Niall looked at him, with a puzzled look.

“Niall, and I have only been together about two or three months now, and I know it seems soon, but after all we have had to deal with this past month, and us being able to make it through, I know we can make it through anything! I want to spend the rest of my life with him.”

Niall began to tear up, it was in that moment that Liam approached him, and got down on one knee, and the crowd started going crazy.

“Niall James Horan, I love you with all my heart. I use to think that I would never find love, and it’s been in front of me the whole time. My one true love has been here all along, it just took me a while to realize it. That is why I would like to ask you to do me the honor of becoming my husband. Will you marry me?”

The crowd started cheering, anxiously awaiting Niall’s answer.

“Yes Liam James Payne.”

The arena was filled with cheers, as Liam stood up, and slipped the band on Niall’s finger.

“I love you Liam, with everything in me.”

“I love you too, Niall.”

As they crowd continued cheering, and the other lads began to tear up, the band started playing what would become their wedding song. “Truly Madly Deeply”

They began to sing in what was the most perfect moment of their lives. They both knew there was nothing they couldn’t get through.

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