Chapter 17

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(A/N Okay guys sorry again that this one is also short, but as i said i want to try to update a few times today, so it might be shorter, but anyway i hope you like it!)

The car ride to Simon’s new York office was silent. They knew that the outcome of this meeting could be bad, but they were more worried about their friends. If Simon knew what he was doing to them, he would fix this right?

The boy’s got out of the car, and made their way up to his office, ignoring everyone that tried to stop them. They didn’t even bother knocking, they just stormed in.

“Simon we need to talk to you now!” Harry said.

“Boys, please sit down, what’s up?”

“You need stop what you’re doing to Niall, and Liam!” Zayn shouted.

“Not this again.” He sighed.

“Boys hear me out on this. If I were allow Niall, and Liam to be in a relationship, it would be devastating to the band in more than one way. If they split up it would cause tension in the band, and if they went public, there would be so much backlash by the press, it would end your careers! Believe me  I am doing the right thing, and soon enough you guys will all see I was right.”



“They are miserable without each other, and you think things will be okay?” Zayn said.

“Boys I’m telling you, if I allow this you guys will be done, finished, over. No one wants to listen to a BOY BAND, with 2 gay members, the fans want to be able to dream and hope that one day you would be able to fall in love with them.”

“What about the guy directioners? Some of them are straight, but what about the ones who have the same dreams as the fan girls huh? Don’t they deserve to feel like it could happen for them too?” Harry asked.

“I will not allow gay members in One Direction!” Simon shouted.

“Well Simon you leave us no choice…..” Harry said.

“If you don’t fix this then we are ALL walking from the label.” Zayn continued.

“You have 24 hours to fix this! And if you don’t we walk, we will take you to court, to buy ourselves out of our contracts, and  sue for taking away Niall and Liam’s human rights!”

“Well then, I guess I’ll see you in court. Good luck winning, and good luck finding another label, No one is going to want you guys, if you do this.”

“We aren’t worried, we have already spoken to L.A. Reed, and Jimmy Iovine, both know exactly what is doing on, and both more than willing to help us, and sign us. So remember you have 24 hours, and this is 5 against 1, you will be shocked with what we can do.” Harry said, as they stormed out.

Simon just sat there stunned, what was happening?

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