Chapter 9

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(A/N Okay guys, the answers to all your questions should be answered here! I can't wait to get the next chapter done!)

The two just stood there, neither of them knew what to say to each other. They were stunned, they had been talking to each other for so long now, how could they not have figured this out? What does this mean for them now?

“Umm… Liam?” Niall said, still sounding shocked.


“Maybe we should get out of here, and talk about this yeah?”

Liam nodded in agreement. He was still at a loss for words.

The two silently walked to Niall’s car, neither of them still had any idea of what to say about all this. They had revealed so much to each other. How was this going to affect their friendship? That was the question on both their minds. The two finally got to the car, and got in. Niall had no idea where they were going, so he just drove. Finally Liam broke the silence.

“Well… this is an interesting situation, that we’ve gotten ourselves into, isn’t it?” He said.

“Yeah, I guess it is.” Niall replied, beginning to sound shy again.

“Well what are we going to do about this?” Liam asked.

After that question, things became silent again.

Niall’s POV

Niall continued to drive, as he pondered the question. What are we going to do about this? He thought to himself. They were now both obviously out to each other, and they both couldn’t deny that there could be something there. The way they were talking before they knew they were flirting with their best friend, seemed like there could be something. He couldn’t help think about the what if’s. What if we did date? What if it worked? What if it didn’t? What if it tore the band apart? So many things were rushing through his mind, and he was sure Liam was thinking the same. With all the negative things that could happen, Niall couldn’t help but think of the positive. Liam is one of the best guys he knows, and the kindest, and the sweetest. He was always there for him, when he needed him.

It was with those thoughts, Niall did the craziest thing ever.

“Niall?” Liam said, trying to regain the blonde’s attention.

“Sorry Li, I was thinking about your question.” He finally said.

“Well what do you think we should do?” Liam asked.

“First off, I think we are both really stupid, because we are best mates, and couldn’t figure out we were talking to each other.”

“I totally agree. How could we have not figured it out?” Liam said.

“Second, and I may be a little crazy for this, but I think seeing how much we clicked before we knew who the other was, I don’t see why it would hurt to try it? I mean we were both so excited, and we are already such good friends. Who knows, there might just be something, and in all honestly I would be lying if I said, that I never had a crush on you.”

Liam’s POV

“……. and in all honestly I would be lying if I said, that I never had a crush on you.” Niall said, sounding a little more confident.

Liam sat there, and pondered what Niall had just said to him. He honestly had a point, and Liam would be lying too, if he said he had never had a crush on Niall, but he had Dani at the time, and Niall was straight, or so he thought. Liam would also be lying if he had said that he never fully got over his crush on Niall. He honestly thought that maybe the reason he was so  close to him was because he had at one point had a thing for him.


“hello? Did I say something wrong? Did I just make things more awkward?” Niall said, snapping Liam out of his thoughts.

“Oh sorry, no you didn’t I was thinking.”


“I don’t see the harm in giving it a shot, I mean we can’t let it affect the band, or the tour, or our friendship for that matter. I think if we do this we should keep it hidden for a while. I also would be lying too, if I said I never had a crush on you.” Liam said.

“Well we have one issue with keeping it a secret. Harry sorta knows, He kinda came into my room one day, and was asking me why I had been so happy, and he kinda dragged it out of me, he just doesn’t know it’s you. So what should I tell him?”

“Umm… I think Harry knows it’s me, he did the same with me, only he actually took my phone from me, while talking to you.”

“So, Harry knew the whole time we were talking to each other?” Niall asked, sounding even more confused.

“I guess, so I guess we have to tell him.”

“So are you saying, we are going to give this a shot?” Niall asked.

“I’m for it, if you are.” He said.

“Let’s to this, and to make it official, If I remember right, we agreed to go out to dinner, after meeting.” Niall said.

“Damn is food always on your mind? I swear you would shag your food if you could.” Liam said, laughing.

“Yes, I’m romantically involved with my Nando’s. Now can we please go get food?”

“Okay, To Nando’s!”

The two were unsure of how this would all play out, but what they did know for sure was that they would never let this break their friendship, they both meant too much to one another to let this ruin what they had, if it didn’t work.

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