Chapter 18

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(A/N Okay guys more drama coming your way!)

Later that night Harry, Zayn, and Louis met up in Harry’s room. They were discussing their first course of action. They needed to get the fans involved. If the fans knew what was going on they would go nuts, but how were they gunna get word out to the fans?

“Let’s do a twitcam.” Zayn suggested.

“ZAYN YOU’RE A GENIUS!” Louis shouted.


Harry did as he was told, and logged in. He sent a quick tweet, telling the fans that they were going to do one, and after a few minutes, the room had over 300,000 viewers, they knew this  wasn’t how “Niam” would want to go public, but they knew that they had to do something to reunite them.

“You guys ready?” Harry asked.

They nodded, and Harry clicked the button to go live.

“Hey Guys!” They all said, once live.

“We have something we want to talk to you all about, so here we are.” Harry said.

“But first, if you guys want to ask us some questions, that would be fine.” Zayn added.

@Future_Mrs._Payne_92: Where are the rest of the lads?

“We will get to that in a few minutes.”

@Kima_91: Will you give me a shout out?

“HEY KIMA_91!”

“Well since, we aren’t really getting any questions other than where’s Niall and Liam, and questions about the pics of them, we’re gunna just skip to what we want to talk to you about.” Louis said.

“I hope you guys are sitting down for this.” Harry said.

“Niam is real!” The three said together.

“Now you are probably wondering why we are telling you, and not them, well this is where it gets complicated.” Louis said.

“The photos you all undoubtedly saw are real, and Simon was furious. He told them they couldn’t be together.” Zayn added.

Their message box was being flooded, with fans freaking out. Praising the fact that “Niam” was real, and going nuts over Simon.

“And that’s not the worst part. You may see us all together onstage, and in interviews, but that’s not reality. Simon has gone to the extreme of keeping them apart, and taking away all forms of communication between them.” Harry said.

“He has also hired extra security to keep them apart, and both of them are completely crushed. Niall isn’t eating, and Liam isn’t himself. Simon’s exact words to us, and “Niam” were “One Direction Can’t have any gay memebers” He is stripping them of their human rights!” Louis added.

The fans were going nuts! They were stunned that Simon would do such a thing.

“This is where we need your help. We tried talking to him, and he told us the same thing he told them, so that is why the lads, and I have decided, that we are giving Simon 24 hours to change his mind, and if he doesn’t we are going home. Walking away from the label, and taking him to court, to buy ourselves out of our contracts, and all rights to our music, and recordings. Before you guys go anymore crazy, that doesn’t mean the end of us. We have already spoken to two labels that are more than willing to sign us, and help us with this.”

@True_Directioner_1991: What can we do?

“We are glad you ask, We want you guys to get the word out about what is happening. We want to see #SaveNiam trending on twitter, and we want you to let Simon know how you feel about all this, Call the label, make videos, tweet, anything to get his attention.” Harry said.

The boys ended the twitcam shortly after, and they knew shit was about to hit the fan, they didn’t care. Now they had to tell the other lads what they had done. They all knew both Liam, and Niall told them not to bother, but they had to, they couldn’t stand seeing their best friends suffer the way they were.

Simon’s POV

“Those stupid twats.” He said, as he watched the twitcam.

They were about to ruin everything, he had tried so hard to build for them. To say he was pissed is an understatement. He didn’t think they would do something like this. He didn’t know what he was gunna do. He knew that if they took him to court, he would undoubtedly lose, but he wasn’t going to cave, he knew he was right for doing what he was doing. That’s when he came to a decision. He was dropping them. They have caused too much trouble to the label to keep them, they just gave him, and the company a bad name, and he knew they would never make it without him, that L.A. and Jimmy would never sign them, especially after this stunt.

“Sally I need you to get a contract made up by tomorrow.” He said over his intercom.

“What kind sir?”

“I am dropping One Direction.”

“Sir, are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“Positive, call them, and arrange a meeting for tomorrow. I’m signing all rights, and royalties to everything they have done, to them. I have no use for it.”

“Okay sir.” She said, reluctantly.

Simon had snapped.

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