Chapter 7

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"Did P'Bohn just tried to compell me?" With his realization, Ram comprehend that Bohn just compelled him. It didn't work because you can't compell a werewolf.

Due to Ram's overthink, he accidentally dropped his drink which caught everybody's attention. Bohn glared at him and he pretends that he is fine. He has no idea why Bohn's blood is boiling 100 degrees when it comes to him. He decided to sneaked out to go to King's condo since he tricked Bohn that he got compelled. He wants to make sure that King is okay and he wants to know about Bohn's real identity.

King's door is open maybe Boss' forgets to lock it. Ram went to King's room and saw him sleeping peacefully in his bed. He took King's phone and texted Bohn saying, "I'm fine don't come over. I'm going to take a deep rest." Ram's making sure that nobody bothers them. Bohn replied "K.".

He returned King's phone at the bed side table and sat beside him. He runs his finger through King's hair and stared at his angelic face. Ram smiled knowing that he is serious about his feelings towards his senior. He is lucky that King didn't ran away from him since King saw what deadly beast he is that night.

"Everybody has their deep secret. I don't know about yours but I only knew that you lose your control." Ram said to his mind.

Ram didn't saw that King is turning himself earlier. He did only saw that he is losing himself and the scene that Bohn snaps his neck and fell out. But he did sure that Bohn is not a normal human being especially Bohn tried to compell him.

After of hours, Ram didn't realize that he fells asleep. He woke up when he feels something touches his hair and he is sleeping next to his senior.

"Ai P'. You're awake." Ram said and sat on the bed. "Are you okay?" He asked.

King just smiled and sat also on the bed. King is aware that Ram saw what happened to him earlier. He tried to make some excuses and also tries to make up some stories.

"Uhm about what happened at the university..."

"It's okay P. P'Bohn said that you lose yourself because you're mad at him." Ram made up some stories. King just shakes his head and stood up. He was about to walked out to his room when Ram speaks up what's on his mind.

"Is P'Bohn a vampire?"

King stopped when he heard Ram. He had no idea what to response. All he can do is to tell the truth but he can't just betray his best friend. They all know that vampires and werewolves are mortal enemies.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time, P. Is P'Bohn a vampire?"

King turned around and faced Ram. King started to bawl when Ram pulled him to hugged him tight.

"It's okay P. I'm not mad at P'Bohn." He whispered at his senior.

Ram told King about what happened earlier when he passed out. He told King that Bohn compells him but it didn't work. King denies that he is one like Bohn. He's friends with Bohn since childhood but he kept Bohn's secret. He don't want Ram to know about him because he is starting to feel something toward his junior and he don't want to lose him just because of his real identity. 

"So, you're staying tonight?" King asked.

"Do you want me to stay?"

"Up to you." King smiled at Ram. "I'm going to rest again. See you later." King said and went to bed. He covers himself with a duvet and went back to sleep. Ram just smiled and leave the room. He slowly close the door and went to the living room to watch some movies.

King opens his eyes when he felt Ram left the room. He only reasoned himself to go back to sleep so that he can escape the awkward situation with Ram. He felt so gulity for exposing his best friend against Ram but he can't deny it also since Ram already knew. Ram only knows that Bohn is a vampire but he doen't know that Bohn is not only a vampire but also a ripper.

x x x

Days passed and their engineering event came. First day of their event is the opening and the sports day. The engineering faculty is crowded because there's other students came from the different faculty are exploring their faculty and there's a match between the engineering and the sports science major.

King is with his friends and he haven't see Ram this morning because Ram didn't slept at his condo last night. The head hazer engaged himself watching his juniors participating the event. King is at the bleacher sitting  together with Tee, Mek and Boss eating the food they bought at the food stall that they passed by.

"Phew. Everybody is so busy especially Bohn. He doesn't even get tired." Tee said.

"Uh! He always kept on working in and out the campus." Mek agreed.

Boss and King just looked at each and nodded at the two boys.

"By the way, what is Bohn doing last night at the back building?" Mek asked.

"What back building?" Boss' faced and Mek with a serious tone.

"Last night, I jogged. Then I saw Bohn leaving the woods at the back building. I tried to call him but my coach scolded me for not practicing." He said.

King and Boss' are curious of what Mek just told them. What is Bohn really doing at the back building last night?

The two immortal boys kept wondering while on the other hand, Mek and Tee are drowning theirselves in eating.

Seconds passed by, someone screamed at the boy's locker room. Everybody heard the scream because the boy's locker room is located downstairs at the middle of the bleachers. King and Boss immediately ran to the locker room since they are responsible of their junior. When they got into the locker room, the juniors ran outside while holding their mouth to avoid throwing up. The others didn't control it so they ended up vomitting at the locker area.

When the said senior just entered the room, their eyes widens and can't believe what they just saw. A human head tied upward into the boy's locker room's ceiling. What they confuses is, where is the body?

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