Chapter 24

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King's POV


After I heard what Bohn said that the originals are planning to kill me and Shane, I went straight to my condo to fix everything right away. I get myself ready to find those stupid original when someone knocks on my door. Tsk. Alaiwa!

I opened my door with a frowned face when it is Ai Ning. He greeted me with a smile while I greeted him with a frowned face.

"What?" I said in annoyed tone. I have to do this. I have to be mean so if I lose my battle, they only get hurt by little.

"I haven't see you in a while, P'King. How are you?" He asked me. I faced him and said, "you saw me already, what do you want?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Nothing, P." He put a little smile on his face.

Aww he's such a cutie. So sad that I have to be like this. "You can leave now, you know. I'm busy." I response at him and walks away but he doesn't say any word. I just shakes my head hoping he will noticed my so call disappointment act.

"So, are we really done, p?" He suddenly asked. I stopped. I tired to face him but I still can't. Luckily, I'm good at acting so I did. I turned my body to him and walks towards him. I looked him into the eyes and cupped his face. "Yes Ai Ning. Everything is a mistake. Please forget that we dated. We shouldn't do this." I said. I smiled at him and tapped his cheeks. I turned around again to go back to my room when he spoke again, "I don't believe you. You're only doing this because of what P'Bohn told you."

"Bohn, didn't asked me to break up with you. I broke up with you before I shut my humanity off." I raised my voice at him for him to get mad at me, "then tell me why? Why do you have to do this?"

Okay fine. I gave up. This kid is driving me crazy! I faced him one last time and said, "Ai Ning, the originals are after us, okay? They knew that I am dating a werewolf. Now I have to face the concequences."

"What? I-I can help you with that." He said, "yes, you can help me. You can help me by sending this message to my friends. Okay?" I tried to comfort him, "how about this, you get ourselves some snacks because there's no food in the fridge and I'll tell you what will you do, okay?" He nodded at me and get himself ready to buy some foods. I quickly pack myself up before Ram arrives.

I left a message at the table that says, "Please don't wait for me. I will come back if i make it out alive. Tell my friends, Ai Ning."

I hurriedly leave the condo and went to Tee's room. I slowly open the door and I heard them arguing with each other.

"Oh come on! This is the only way to save your best friend. Be the bait, plus I think Duen trust you." Boss yelled.

"I'll face them. No need to be the bait." I stepped on their conversation which makes them faced me immediately. "shit, how did you get in?" Tee asked.

"You invited me before when you didn't know that I am a vampire." I smirked, "I started this mess first, I'll end it myself." I added.

"No! You'll gonna get yourself killed!" Bohn yelled at me, "and I don't want my best friend to face them and get killed." I response at him.

I started this mess so I'm gonna finish it. Either I win or lose, I'll accept it. I don't want them to lose instead.

I went outside and ran off away from the building.

[end of flashback]

It's currently 11 in the evening waiting for these original. Damn they sucks! I'm still waiting here on the woods with them hoping they'll appear. But none. How did I know their secret chamber? easy. This is the battlement between werewolves and vampires. This is where they start off their war, at the middle of the woods where nobody dare to entered because you might get lost.

I was about to leave when an original appears in front of me, "hello King." He greeted with a smile. I glared at him and spoke, "I'm here. I'm ready to face my consequences. Just don't bother my friends."

"Ohh, what a hero." He smirked, after that another original jumped in.

"I love this kid. He's really nice when it comes to his friends. I wonder what will be your reaction if I cut one of your friend's head?" He chuckled, "that's the deal. Take me but not Bohn." I yelled at them, "and what about Shane?" He raised his eyebrow, "isn't that enough? Take mine not them." I said.

"And who the hell told you that we want your life?" A voice coming from my back said, I turned around to face him, "I'm Duen. And that is Ryan and Jake. My slaves. They're teamed up with me. They're not an original to be honest. They're just self proclaim because they're with me." He laughed. I smile at him, "what? So they're just an ordinary vampire?" I laughed at him. "What are you laughing at?" He raised an eyebrow.

I just chuckled and immediately ran off behind these idiots named Ryan and Jake and stabbed them from the back with a wood stake that I brought and hid it at the back of my pocket. They fell down from the ground with their skin color turned gray and veins that appears. Duen is shocked when I killed two of his companions.

"Damn, I thought they're originals. Thanks to you for telling me." I smiled at him.

"That's your skills? Start praying kid, there's a lot coming behind your back." He chuckled and I turned around. Damn there's ten more I guess. Easy Bitsy. I'm excited to smash their asses. I smirked at them and started to ran towards them and targeted their chest. I pulled their hearts off which made them killed and fell on the ground. This stupid idiots don't really know who they messed with. I am soaked in blood now and I faced Duen but I didn't see that he is already behind me and snap my neck.

➰ ➰ ➰

*King is calling*

Bohn hurriedly grabs his phone when he saw that King is requesting a FaceTime with him. He then answer the phone immediately, "KING!!" Bohn yelled on the other line but the screen is black. After a couple of seconds, Bohn and his friends realizes that it's not King who request the FaceTime but it's Duen. He greeted King's friend with a smile especially Bohn, "hello Bohn, nice to meet you again."

"Damn you! What did you do to King?!" Bohn yelled.

"Oh King? Here he is." Duen turned the camera to rear view and he let them sees King. King is tied up in a chair with blood all over his body.

"Fuck you, what did you do to him?!"

"Well, he killed my twelve vampires so he must pay for it. Oh, by the way, if you want to go to his funeral, we will see each other later at midnight. Same spot. I know you wouldn't want to miss it. Bye." Duen waved at the other line and hanged up. Bohn threw his phone at the wall which make shattered everywhere.

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