Chapter 28

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Tee and Boss carried Ram to the hospital, King then follows. Not that long, Bohn follows them when he forget something. He turned himself looking for someone and he saw Duen just staring at the starry night. Bohn sighed and walked closer to Duen, "Ai Duen." He said. Duen turned his eyes to someone who says his name, "Oh, what's up, Bohn?" He gave him a slight smile.

"Uhm, I'm sorry about your dad." Bohn said with a guilt tone. Duen just replied him with a hummed and looked at the sky again, "everything is back to normal, so it's fine." Duen said.

The silence between them has started when Bohn spoke again, "I also want to apologize for being so mean to you." Duen slowly looked at him, "I don't mean it, really. It's just I thought that you're with them." He added. Duen just chuckled and smile, "I'll be going now. I think you should go and comfort King." Duen said and started to walked away but before he went far from Bohn, Bohn grabs Duen's wrist and pulled him closer to him. Duen widens his eyes when what Bohn did, "wha-what are you doing, Bohn?" Duen stuttered. Bohn just looked straight into his eyes and held his right cheek. He then leans closer to Duen and gave him a kiss on the lips, "you know what they say, you always get what you hate." Bohn smiled at Duen walks away.

Bohn froze his body when he could believe what just happened. The scenario is really fast, he held his lips realizing that Bohn stole a kiss from him.

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"King, we'll be right back. We need to buy some foods for you since you haven't eaten for days." Boss said,

"You should rest, I'm sure Ram will woke up in a few days." Bohn said and he patted King's shoulder, "just go I'll be okay." King said and his friends nods in replied. Boss and Bohn walked out the door and King looked at Ram's condition. He haven't woke up in two days because he's still unconscious. Good thing Boss and Tee brought Ram immediately to the hospital because if not, Ram will die through losing of too much blood, according to the doctor.

King is sitting near the bed of Ram and he didn't leave Ram for days. "Please wake up." King sighed as he watches Ram sleeping. He held Ram's hand and bowed his head to sleep because King is awake up all night since they got here. After a few minutes of napping, King feels that something is shaking his hand. He opens his left eye to looked at his hands and Ram is the one who shakes it. He looks at Ram and he is smiling on his P'King.

"Hello P'" Ram murmured.

"Oh my god, Ai Ning, you're awake!" King shouts in happiness.

"Uhm... What did you whispered to me last night?" Ram asked,

"What last night?" King looked at Ram curiously,

"You whispered at me last night. You told me that you love--"

"Ai Ning! So you're already awake? You tricked me?"

"Nooo, I just heard it." Ram chuckled.

King gave him a glared and Ram laughed.

"You love me, huh." Ram murmured.

"Oi! Stop it! It's embarrassing!" King said and he slaps Ram's shoulder. Ram just laughed at him and he makes a little space on the hospital bed to King to climbed up, "come here." He said.

"Me? With you? In the hospital bed? No way." King replied as he raised his eyebrow.

"Come on, P'. We're perfectly fit in here. Na na na." Ram insisted and he held King's hand and tries to pull him. King sighed and climbed up into the bed. Ram opens his arm so that King can laid into his chest. As King laid down to Ram's chest, he played with King's hair.

"So we're back together, baby boy?" Ram asked, King looked at him and smiled. He leans closer to his junior to have him a kiss as they both closes their eyes, "holy shit. Go get a room, love birds." King immediately turned his face around and Bohn and Boss was standing behind them with a bag of foods. Ram sneaked a peak at his seniors.

"Damn, don't you know how to knock?" King cursed them.

"Uhm excuse me, your highness, we thought that you're having a nap but instead you were eating your boyfriend's mouth." Bohn said and Boss' laughed. "Idiot!" King yelled as he finds something to throw at Bohn.

"Chill. We're just gonna give you your snacks, we will leave after." Boss said.

"Where are you both going?" King asked,

"Hmm it's for you to find out. See you both in school." Bohn said and leave.

"We also bought protection just in case Ram wakes up and starts to bone you. It's in the bag. Ciao, your royal highness!" Boss laughed and he ran to follow Bohn before King rip his head off.

"Idiots!" King's cheeks started to turned red and Ram can't help it but to burst out of laughing.

"They already left. Can we do it here, P'?" Ram teased his senior.

"Want me to stab you again?" King smiled at him. Ram laughed and messed King's hair.

➰ ➰ ➰

King ran into the hallway hoping that he's not late in his class because his alarm clock didn't rang. He was about to ran into his classroom when he saw his friends laughing and hanging out at the gear ground. He went towards them and wondered why are they not in class yet.

"Oh! Did you get my text? We don't have class today. Professors are on leave." Bohn said.

"Oh nice, thank God." King said, "so what's up?" He asked.

"Boss has a confession." Bohn said and everybody is curious, "our friend stole something." He added.

"What did he stole?" Tee asked again as he looked at Bohn and King.

"He stole some heart." He said.

"No way. You ripped someone's heart out?!" Tee yelled and Bohn smacked his head, "Oi that hurts!" He proclaim.

"Stupid. What I'm trying to say is that, Boss steals Mek's heart! They're both in a relationship!" He yelled.

Everybody was speechless in a while and then suddenly they screamed in happiness. "Aakkkk!! I knew it!! I knew that you both are hiding something!" Tee yelled while clapping his hand, "what do you mean?" King asked,

"Because I thought I'm just having a hallucination when I was drunk but it turns out that I am seeing a reality. And yep, I saw Boss and Mek in a club but they didn't saw me. They were making out!" Tee spilled the tea and Boss and Mek's face turns into red. "Why your face is red, eh?" Tee teased them both.

"The weather is hot, you know. I'm having  a sun burn," Boss excuse himself. They all know that Boss is lying so they ended up laughing.

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