Chapter 21

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Ram's POV

[Continuation of the flashback]

"Ruj, honey, have you seen your dad?" I heard my mom asked my brother while he is preparing breakfast at the table. "No mom. Maybe he ran some errands. You know dad, he's a really busy man." Ruj replied with a smile. "Oh, I love my boys so much. Making their mother some breakfast. Anyways, I'll go get change upstairs and we'll be having breakfast together, okay? I love my babies so much." Mom gave Ruj a kiss on the cheeks and walk towards me to gave me one too. She then leave to go upstairs. Ruj took a glance at me as I make pancakes at the kitchen counter and gave me a wink.

The incident happened last night was a clean murder and leaving with no trace. We buried the corpse far from our house and I guaranteed you that nobody saw us since our house is up on the hill with no neighbors. We were having our peaceful breakfast and damn this is so good. I miss this so much! I want my old life back. No more living my life under the hands of my step father.

"Hey Ruj, want me to sent you to school today?" I asked my brother, "nah, don't waste your time on me. You'll be late. I have my driver to send me." He replied.

Speaking of our servants and drivers, they only know that we're hunters but they don't know our deep secrets and about last night, Ruj took care of them as well. He poured the pills into their drinking water. I'm so proud of my brother for being so clever haha.

"Come on, I insist." I said, "psh, fine." He said then he rolled his eyes. After breakfast and get ready for school, I hugged my mom again for the last time since I'm not coming home for a few days because exams are coming. Ruj kissed her goodbye, "drive safety, boys." She waved her hand while we were heading to the car.

Ruj walks to my car while I left behind him. He stopped when he noticed that I'm not following him.

"What's the matter?" he asked, "How about we use our dad's Rolls Royce today?" I smirked at him. He looked at me like he wants me to repeat it again but I just gave him a smile. "Why? What happen to your car?" He asked, "I've been thinking that my Bugatti is quite old now, so why don't we use his car today?" I replied at him with a wiggle eyebrows.

"Won't he get mad at us from his grave?"

"Hmmm, I think he will.." I answered.

"What if you crash it?" Ruj asked again just for clarification.

"Buddy, we're rich. We can afford to buy more Rolls Royce, the only problem is we can't get another one because it's limited edition." I replied, he then chuckled and said, "is this the effect of falling in love with P'King?" I looked at him and I mess his hair, "nosy kid!" He laughed and ran away from me going to the lot where the cars are parked, "let's go, phi! We're gonna be late." He yelled at me.

[end of flashback]

King and I are now in the bed laying down while looking at the ceiling when I told him everything. There's a pillow between us serves as boundary to the both of us. "Wow, I really did not expect that, Ai Ning." He commented, "you really have a family but he's abusing you when you're little until now, I'd rather lose the people who hurt me instead of keeping them." He added. He turned his back at me, maybe he's tired now. "Good night, P'King." I said and smiled. I waited for him to response but he didn't, so I turned my back to him. We are now sleeping back to back, I switched off the light that is on the bedside table and closed my eyes. Suddenly, I felt that King move around and get up, I guess but it doesn't matter, maybe he needs to go to the bathroom. I close my eyes to sleep when he kissed my cheeks, "Good night, Ai Ning." He whispered and laid down again.

I just smiled and close my eyes to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow, P'King.

Morning arrived, we both woke up from the loud noise that's coming from the front door. Someone is banging the door, screaming from the outside. King gets up to open it maybe it is P'Bohn. When he left the bedroom, I followed him and watch him as he opens the door. He opens it and the loud noise who's making is no other than Shane. What is he doing here?

"How did you know my place?" King asked, "Uh, come in." He invited Shane inside since he can't entered the room without an invitation from the owner.

"I just want to hide." He said.

"Hide from who?" King asked, as they sat to the kitchen counter. I then make some coffee for my baby boy. Damn I'm so sweet.

"Coffee or juice?" I asked Shane, he then replied me with 'anything'. I'll be making you coffee then.

I handed them their coffee as I sips mine when King asked Shane again what's his problem.

"I'm hiding from MD, okay?" Shane exposed, "What? Why?" King asked.

Shane just looked at us and sighed deeply. We sips our coffee again waiting for his answers when he directly reveal himself saying, "we did it." King and I almost choke to death when we heard him, "You did what?!" King yelled.

"MD and I had sex after my party, okay? No, it's not just a sex, it's a one night stand!" He yelled, "I don't know what's happening to me but I can't stand it staying under the same roof with someone I had sex with. It's awkward. We're both close friends but... I can't deal it anymore! Especially that I am having feelings towards him!" He yelled again and slams him hand on the counter.

"You did what?"

"You and MD had sex?!"

Shane, King and I immediately looked to someone who basically just interrupt the conversation. We, three, widens our eyes and almost drop our jaw when we saw P'Bohn and P'Tee standing at the living room while their hands is full of breakfast and coffees. Their eyes widens as well as ours. They can't believe what they just heard.

Oh, I forgot to tell King that I texted Bohn last night saying that his best friend's humanity is back. Ops. Sorry babe.

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