First Day

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I wake up in the middle of the kitchen floor, bruised and in pain. I slowly stand up and check the time. 8:32 a.m.

"Shit!" I whisper. I limp up to my room and put on my clothes, rushing to my car and getting in.

"Ms. Reinhardt you're late." The teacher says as I walk into homeroom. I nod and hand her my slip, quickly walking over to Josh and Mads.

"You okay?" Mads asks. I nod and sit down.

"Okay kids! Welcome back to school! If you would all go around and introduce yourselves." The teacher says. They all start to introduce themselves and then it gets to Josh.

"Hi! I'm Josh Richards, I'm captain of the soccer team, and I like to chill. This next to me is y/n Reinhardt. She's selectively mute so she doesn't talk. She plays piano and is really good at drawing. She is also captain of the dance team." He says. I smile at him and he smiles back. Josh has been my best friend since elementary school. He is the only one that has ever heard me speak before because we both got our scholarship the same year. We live in town, so we don't have to live in the dorms.

"I'm Madison! You can call me Mads. I'm co-captain of the dance team and I like to model!" Mads says. She sits down and others continue.

"Hi. I'm Mattia Polibio. This is Alejandro Rosario and Kairi Consentino. We transferred from New Jersey on a soccer scholarship." A tall, tan boy with brown hair says. We all stare at them as they sit down.

"A soccer scholarship? Aren't those rare?" Mads asks.

"I'm the only one on the team who got one. The others got football scholarships. They must be good." Josh says. The bell rings and we walk to our lockers.

"There's our favorite girl!" Bryce yells from down the hall. The three of us stop and wait for him and the rest of the group.

"You were late to the first day?" Avani asks. I nod, looking down.

"It's okay! So was Jaden." Addison says. I smile and we continue talking until someone runs into me, causing me to fall.

"Hey watch it!" Bryce yells. I look up and see one of the transfer students.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" He says. I smile and Josh helps me up.

"Hey you're the new kids right?" Jaden asks. They all nod and Avani smiles.

"Welcome! I'm Avani! This is Josh, Bryce, Jaden, Mads, Addison, and y/n." She says. They all nod and smile.

"I'm Mattia. This is Alejandro and Kairi." The boy says. The bell rings and we all check our schedule.

"Who is walking y/n to class?" Bryce asks.

"None of us have her class." Avani replies. Mattia looks down at my schedule and then looks back up at the group.

"I have her class. I can walk her if you want." He says. Addison smiles and nods.

"It's settled then! Bye princess!" She says, walking away. Josh hugs me and kisses my forehead.

"See you after class princess." He says. I smile and nod. I walk with Mattia and his friends to class.

"So y/n, what scholarship did you get?" Kairi asks. The teacher walks in as he asks and smiles.

"She is the only person who got a scholarship for dancing." She says. I smile and she hands me a notepad.

"I heard you were late this morning, so I guessed that you forgot yours." She says. I nod and start drawing on the pad.

"Do you talk, or-" Alejandro asks. The teacher interrupts him, smiling.

"She's what we call, selectively mute. The only people in this school that have ever heard her speak are her uncle and Josh Richards. She communicates through the notepad I gave her." She replies. The boys look at me and I look away.

"Alright y'all! First things first! Welcome to English class. I'm Ms. Lakens and I will be your teacher today. For your first project, you are to choose a partner and find out what they like. Colors, foods, hobbies, music, anything you can find out and you will present it at the end of next week." Ms. Lakens says. Mattia looks at me and smiles.

"Want to be partners?" He asks. I nod and the bell rings. We all walk out and someone trips me, causing me to hit me head on a locker.

"Oh my god! Y/n!" Addi yells. I see Avani run over to the girl that tripped me and shove her against the locker.

"Do you know who you are dealing with?! You mess with her again and I swear I'll beat your barbie ass up! That goes for everyone! Dont mess with our princess!" Avani screams. Everyone nods and Josh helps me up.

"You okay?" I nod and he picks up my bag.

"We have all of our classes together for the rest of the day. Come on guys." He says. We all walk to weights and sit down.

"Alright kids! Let's get started. I'm Mr. Gatwin, the soccer and football coach. I'm also Ms. Reinhardt's uncle. Y/n can you show these kids the routine?" The coach says. I nod and walk over to the bench press. Josh spots for me as I show everyone the daily routine. When I'm done, coach hands me a water bottle and a towel and we walk back over to the group.

"Y/n has been #1 in the girls' league for the past three years. If you need help with anything, let her know and she and Josh will help you out." Coach says. Everyone nods and the bell rings. We head to lunch and go to our table. I go over to the vending machine and grab some chips and a water.

"Aye y/n. Your ass looked hella nice during those squats." Chase says, smacking my butt as I walk back to the table. I turn around and slap him and he glares at me.

"You're gonna regret that." He says, raising his hand to slap me. He goes to hit me and I flinch, but Josh grabs his arm and pins it behind his back.

"Don't fucking touch her." He says. Chase nods and Josh pushes him away from me.

"Let's go." He says, pulling my arm over to the table. We sit down and I stare at the table, zoning out. The bell rings and we all go throughout the rest of our days. I head to practice with Avani, Addison, and Mads and we practice our routine for this week's pep rally. After practice, I walk out of the gym and run into someone.

"Watch it!" They yell. I look up and see Chase. He smirks and pulls me to his chest.

"Falling for me babygirl?" He says, squeezing my butt. I try to push him away, but he pushes me into the boys locker room.

~Trigger Warning~
~Attempted Sexual Assault~

"Let's play a game." He says. I back away from him until I run into the lockers.

"You let me touch you, and I'll let you brag about it." He says, blocking me in. I feel tears roll down my cheeks as he runs his hand up my skirt and to my crotch. He gropes me and I hear someone come in as he starts to rub his finger over my clothed heat. I look over and see Josh and Bryce. They don't see me so I let out a small squeal. Chase covers my mouth and I see the boys walk around the corner. Bryce throws Chase off of me while Josh picks me up.

"Did he touch you?" He asks. I nod, shoving my face into his shoulder. I hear Bryce punching Chase as we walk out.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Jaden asks. The entire soccer team looks at me and Josh shakes his head.

"Chase just tried to rape her in the locker room." Josh says. Coach comes over and hugs me.

"I'll call your dad." He says. I shake my head and start to cry.

"No please don't! He'll be mad at me please!" I whisper. He sighs and nods his head.

"Okay. I'll take you home with me then." He says. I nod and sit on the bleachers with my knees to my chest, waiting for practice to end. I catch Mattia staring at me a couple times, but I ignore it. After practice, I go home with my uncle and change into some of my cousin's clothes so I can wash my uniform. We eat dinner and then I go to bed in the guest room, dreading tomorrow already.

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