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Third Person POV

Y/n had spent the past couple of days in bed, resting due to her constantly vomiting in the mornings. The rest of the group didn't exactly know the details of her sickness, but respectively left her alone.

"Miss, I brought you some soup." Devyn says, walking in with a tray.

"Thank you Devyn, but I'm really not hungry." The girl replies. Devyn sighs and turns around, walking out of the room with her head down.

"What did she say?" Hector asks. Devyn looks at him worriedly.

"She isn't eating, Hector. She keeps puking everything up." Devyn says. He sighs and Avani walks up to them.

"Can I see her?" She asks. They look at each other.

"I don't think she wants people to see her." Hector says as Josh and Bryce walk out.

"Please?" Avani says. Devyn sighs and opens the door.

"Miss?" She says. They all notice that y/n isn't in her bed.

"Yes?" Y/n yells. Avani and the two boys walk to the bathroom and find her vomiting in the toilet.

"Oh my God." Avani says, running to hold the girl's hair.

"I haven't seen you like this since the party on sixth street." Josh says, making the girl laugh.

"What's going on?" Mattia asks, walking in with everyone else.

"N-Noth-" Y/n starts. She begins to puke once again causing everyone to worry.

"Is this what has been happening for past three days?" Mads says. Y/n wipes her mouth and stands up.

"Please get out." She says. Mattia shakes his head.

"What are the symptoms y/n?" Avani says.

"Get out!" The girl yells. They each step back a bit and Addi tips over the trashcan, causing it to spill and her to fall. Bryce helps her up and Roshaun notices something wrapped in toilet paper. He picks it up and unwraps it, gasping.

"No way." He says. Y/n tries to take it from him, but Jaden holds her back. Robert and Alvaro both look at the item and gasp.

"Mattia." Robert says. Mattia looks at it and looks back at y/n.

"I didn't know how to tell you. I'm sorry." Y/n cries. Mattia runs over and hugs her.

"How long have you known?" He asks, kissing her forehead.

"Two days." She says. He sighs and lifts her chin.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks. She shrugs.

"We just got back together and I didn't want you to leave me." She says. The group laughs.

"I'm not sure this bitch is capable of leaving you y/n. This past year hit him pretty hard. I'm just saying, you were being irrational." Kai says. She laughs a little.

"I guess you're right." She says. The room goes silent until Mattia gasps.

"What?" Robert asks.

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