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3 a.m.

Knock Knock

I slowly walk out of my room and to the front door, opening it to see two tall men in ski masks.

"Are you y/n Reinhardt?" One asks. I gulp, slowly nodding my head. The other grabs my arm and I scream.

"Madi! Uncle Tommy! Someone! Please help!" I scream, trying to pull out of the man's grip. I see four boys run up behind the men and pull them off of me. The men run off and I stand in the doorway, trying to process what just happened.

"Are you okay?" A boy asks. I look at him and nod.

"Y-yeah. Thank you." I reply. He nods.

"I'm Diego. This is Vallyk, Mike, and Derek." The boy says.

"I'm y/n." I reply.

"We were on our way to the soccer fields at Browne's Academy for Exceptional Talents, wanna come?" Derek asks. I smile.

"Sure, but how are you getting in?" I reply.

"We normally hop the fence." Mike says. I smirk.

"One sec, I'll go get the key from my uncle." I reply

"Wait! Your uncle is Coach Gatwin?" Vallyk asks. I nod, walking over to the kitchen table and grabbing the keys and my school bag so I can bring some snacks..

"Ready to go?" I ask. They nod and we start walking to the school.

"Y/n?" I hear someone yell. I turn around and see the boys all walking out of a convenience store.

"Hi!" I say, waving to them.

"Who are they?" Mattia asks, hugging me.

"That's Diego, Vallyk, Mike, and Derek." I reply.

"How do you know them?" Ale asks.

"We were walking past her house and heard her screaming for help because two guys were trying to kidnap her." Vallyk says. Mattia looks at me and kisses my forehead.

"I'm glad you're okay, mi amor." He says. I kiss his cheek and smile up at him.

"We're going to the soccer fields if you wanna come." Diego says. They all nod and we walk to the fields.

"Do you guys go to school here?" Mike asks. We all nod.

"We knew these two kids, when we were in middle school, that transferred here. The girl was really quiet and the boy was the complete opposite. They were cool though. The girl painted each of us and gave us the paintings. We still have them." Derek says.

"What were their names?" Kai asks.

"The boy's name was Josh, but we never learned the girl's name." They say. I look at them confused. I pull out a picture of Josh and I in middle school and show it to them.

"These them?" I ask.

"Yeah! That's her!" Vallyk yells.

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