Christmas Surprises

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Mattia's POV

I wake up, noticing quickly that y/n isn't next to me. I go over to the baby monitor and hear her talking to Maira.

"Merry Christmas babygirl." She says, picking Maira up and sitting down in her rocking chair. I go to the closet and grab my robe, draping it over my shoulders and tying it as I walk towards Maira's room.

"Good morning." I mumble. Y/n looks up and smiles.

"Morning love." She says. I walk over and place a kiss on her forehead before pulling her up and sitting down so she can sit in my lap. We sit quietly as we watch Maira play with y/n's necklace.

"It's our first Christmas as a family." Y/n says, kissing my cheek. I smile and boop Maira's nose.

"It's going to be the best Christmas." I say. She smiles and the rest of the group walk in.

"Give me the child!" Jaden says. Y/n laughs as he takes Maira away from her.

"Go change into your pajamas that we bought you! We need Instagram pics!" Mads says, pushing us out of the room. We both walk to our room and into our closet, grabbing the bag with our outfits and changing.

"Okay! Let's eat breakfast." Avani says as everyone walks out to the hall. We all nod and walk to the kitchen. The girls start cooking while Ale, Kai, and I set the table.

"The child is crying!" Roshaun screams as he runs into the dining room, holding Maira away from him as she cries. I put down the plate in my hand and grab her, bouncing her up and down lightly.

"It's okay. Momma is making food now." I whisper. She stops crying and lays her head on my shoulder, playing with my chain. I set her in her highchair and continue to help set up the table for breakfast.

"Okay it's done." Mads says as she carries the plate of pancakes to the table. Avani brings the eggs over and Addison brings the bacon while y/n brings over the syrup, honey, milk, and juice.

"It looks delicious!" Josh says, licking his lips. We all serve ourselves and y/n gives Maira her baby food.

"Oh my God! Did you hear about the Christmas party Lakens is throwing at Browne's Academy? There's going to be food and music and even raffles!" Mads says. We all laugh.

"Sounds like fun. What time is it?" I ask, stuffing my face with bacon.

"First of all, ew. Eat your food like a human please. And second, it's tonight from six to ten." Mads says, reading the information off of her phone.

"Alright! We should totally go!" Avani responds. We all nod and continue talking about random things.

"I'll be right back, I need to call your uncle back." I say, looking at y/n after checking my phone. I walk upstairs to our room and pull out my phone.


"Hey, it's Mattia."

"Oh! Okay, I talked to Stacy and she said she would leave that room unlocked so you could do what you needed to do."

"Alright. Thanks Tom."

"No problem. Merry Christmas."

"Same to you."

I hang up and smile, thinking about tonight.

"Hey, you good?" Y/n asks, walking in with Maira. I nod and take Maira from her.

"Never been better." I say. She smiles and kisses my cheek before going into the bathroom and brushing her teeth. I go in aswell and brush mine and Maira's.

"Yo! If you guys don't hurry up and get down here, we're gonna start without you!" Roshaun yells. We both laugh and walk downstairs to the tree.

"First, family photo!" Avani says, pushing the three of us into position. She takes the picture and then we start opening gifts.

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Caption: Merry Christmas

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6 p.m.

"Is everyone ready to go?" Addison asks. We all nod and head out to our cars. We drive to the school and park, eagerly walking into the gymnasium.

"Well if it isn't our favorite group of misfits." Ms. Lakens says, hugging each of us until she gets to y/n.

"I missed you!" She exclaims, pulling her into a long hug. Y/n smiles and hugs back with one arm while the other keeps a firm grip on Maira.

"Have fun kids." Lakens says as she walks away from our group. We spend the night talking and catching up with some of our favorite teachers before I hand Maira to Robert and pull y/n out of the gym.

"Where are we going?" She giggles. I smile and continue pulling her towards our Junior Homeroom.

"Here we are." I say. She looks at me confused as I slowly open the door.

"Why are we here?" She asks. I smile.

"This is where I first laid my eyes on you." I reply, sitting in my original seat. She smiles and looks around.

"So, why are we here now?" She asks. I scratch the back of my neck and stand up again.

"I wanted to have a little sentimental moment I guess." I reply. We stand in silence as I play around with the little box in my pocket.

"Can I ask you something?" I say. She nods, looking up at me. I grab her hands and slowly move onto my knee.

"When you walked into homeroom that day, I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. I wanted to know everything about you. Your name, your hobbies, your favorite food. All of it. I wanted to know you. I had spent the first part of the class completely uninterested in being at this school, but the second I saw you, I knew I wanted to stay here. Then, when you smiled at me for the first time, I lost it. I was in love before we had even begun to get close. I wanted you before you even knew my name. Y/n, we have been through so much and I want to stay by your side forever. I want you to be mine forever. I want to be your forever." I say. Tears flood her eyes as I pull out the ring.

"Y/n Reinhardt, will you marry me?" I ask. She hiccups and nods. I place the ring on her finger and stand up, kissing her.

"I love you." I says. She wipes eyes and smiles.

"I love you more." She replies. We walk out, hand in hand and the entire gym looks at us.

"Are you getting hitched?!" Roshaun yells. We nod and the entire room cheers.

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