Pep Rally

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"So are you excited?" Ale asks. I tilt my head, confused.

"For the pep rally! I hear that the dance team and the soccer team are the school's pride joys." Kai adds. I smile and nod my head, writing on my notepad.

"The beginning of the year pep rally is the most important event that the dance team is apart of. Schools from across the state show up to 'check out the competition.' We have to be perfect." I push the notepad toward them and they nod. We are currently sitting at our table in English, working on our projects.

"Y/n Reinhardt please come to the front desk." I stand up and grab my bag, walking to the front desk of the school.

"Your dad came to drop this off for you." The lady says, handing me an envelope. I nod and take it, shoving it in my bag and walking to my locker since the bell has rang. I put my English book away and in the process, drop the envelope.

"Hey you dropped something!" Mattia says, picking it up. He puts his hand on my lower back and hands it to me. I open it and read the note.

~Trigger Warning~
~Offensive Language~

Hey slut,

I need a promotion, so tonight you're going over to Neal's house and you going to let him have his way with you. And don't bother coming home afterwards, I really don't want to babysit you.

Josh walks over and pushes Mattia away from me.

"Don't fucking touch her like that." He says. Mattia rolls his eyes.

"I was just being friendly." Mattia says. Josh gets in his face and yells.

"You aren't ever gonna be friends with her. You're a player and a fuckboy and I refuse to let you be associated with my best friend!" I stare at the two as they begin arguing. I see Josh throw a punch and Mattia returns it. They start fighting and Bryce, Jaden, Ale, and Kai run over and pull them apart. Josh grabs my arm and pulls me to the group, angrily.

"What was that about?" Avani asks. Josh glares at Mattia and scoffs.

"That bitch had his hands on y/n." He says. They all nod and I stand there confused while we wait for the bell to ring.

"Princess we know that you can take care of yourself, but we are all influencers and we are specifically known for TikTok. They are also on TikTok and they cause a lot of drama. We just don't want you to be the next reputation they ruin." Addi says. I nod and we walk to weights.

"Since our dance team has a pep rally today, the dancers are all exempt from today's workout. You are all going to spot for the rest of the class." Coach says. Addi, Avani, and Mads cheer along with Charli and Alex, two other girls on the dance team. I just smile.

"Hey captain! You ready for your big trick?" Charli asks.

"Charli shhhhh! It's a surprise for the school remember?" Alex says. I smile and nod, indicating I'm more than ready.

At the Pep Rally

The students file into the gym and we all get dressed in our outfits.



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