Finally Saved

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Third Person POV

Three weeks have passed and y/n is now in a boot and walking. She and Josh get to school and instantly meet up with their group. They spend a couple minutes talking and having a good time, until the bell for homeroom rings.

"See you guys after class!" Mads yells, walking to homeroom with Josh and y/n.

"Are we actually going to make the Jersey boys outcasts?" Mads asks. Josh clenches his fist and glares at her.

"Yes Madison. We are. Mattia and his friends fucked up and now they're going to pay for it." The boy replies as they walk to their chairs.

"I get that he kissed your girlfriend, but I don't see why you're getting so pissed." Mads says. Y/n sighs and listens to the two bicker quietly until Mattia throws a wad of paper at her. She picks it up and unfolds it while the other two aren't looking.

"How often do they argue like this? ~M

"Everyday since you kissed me." ~Y

She throws the paper back and Mattia reads it. He looks up and mouths "I'm sorry." She shrugs.

"Y/n?" Someone says. She turns and sees Sebastian.

"I'm really sorry. Tony was pissed because you turned him down and he threatened to beat me up if I didn't messed up the dance." The boy says. She sighs and nods, turning her attention back to her friends.

"If you don't like the way I run things, then fuck off!" Josh says.

"I will! I refuse to be friends with someone as toxic as you!" Mads replies. She stands up and walks over to Charli's table.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you y/n." He says. She gives him a weak smile and looks at the door, waiting for the bell to ring. It rings and they all quickly get up and walk out.

"I'm going to my locker, I'll meet you by the group." Josh says. Y/n nods and walks to her locker.

"Hey!" Mattia says. She waves and takes her English book out.

"Our project is due this week, have you finished the summary?" He asks. She nods and he smiles.

"Okay! I decided to make a plot board for the presentation so if you can send me the summary that'd be great!" He says. She nods and someone pulls Mattia away from her and throws him on the ground.

"We said stay away from her!" Bryce yells. Mattia gets up and Ale and Kai run over.

"What the hell dude?! They were talking about their project!" Ale yells. Josh rolls his eyes.

"I don't give a fuck! You were given an order and you do it!"

"What, are you my drill sergeant now?! I think it's about time someone else ruled the school, because you've let the power get to your head!" Mattia yells.

"The only person who rules the school, is y/n. Contrary to popular belief, all I have to do is say you hurt her and the entire school will ruin you!" Josh replies. Y/n glares at the boys and scoffs.

"Leave. Now." She whispers. They look at her and sigh.

"Fine." They say. Josh and the boys walk off and she turns to Mattia.

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