I Do

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Third Person POV

Large marble steps, leading to a limestone building. Stain glass windows, coloring the worship hall. People crying, people smiling. A young girl, dressed in all white, walking down the isle with her arm wrapped around the only man in her life that was truly a father, her uncle. Her best friends and family, surrounding her and her fiancé as they stand hand in hand in front of the entire church. The preacher's voice, booming as he welcomes everyone to the wedding. She looks into her love's eyes and smiles. She hears the faint sobs from within the crowd and lets out a soft laugh. They stand in silence until the time comes to say their written vows.

"After everything you've been through, I never expected you to trust a boy like me with your heart. I promise I will protect it with all I have for the rest of my life." The boy says, squeezing her hands. A single tear rolls down her cheek as she take a deep breath.

"In all my life, I never thought I would make it to this point. And I'm not just talking about marriage and having a baby, I'm talking about the happiness this life has brought me. The pain that I felt as a kid, it was unbearable. But I have you now. You and a beautiful baby girl. That's all I could ever ask for. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." The girl says. The taller let's out a nervous chuckle.

"Wow, show me up why don't you." He replies, earning quiet laughs from their friends and family. The preacher clears his throat, signaling that they need the rings. Kairi hands Mattia the rings and smiles.

"Do you, Mattia Polibio, take this woman to be your wife?"

"I do."

"And do you, y/n Reinhardt, take this man to be your husband?"

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride." Mattia eagerly kisses the girl. They walk to the pastor's office and sign the marriage certificate, quickly walking out to be greeted by cheers and bubbles. They smile and get into the limousine with all of their friends.

"How's it feel to be Mrs. Mattia Polibio?" Avani asks the girl. She smiles and looks at her husband.

"Better than anything else." She says. She sighs, looking at her friends.


"Hi, I'm Josh!"

"I'm y/n."

"You're really pretty."

"Thank you!"

"Can we be friends?"

"Sure! Let's go play on the slide!"



"Hi! I'm Avani! This is Mads, Jaden, and Bryce. We're new, can you show us around?"

"Sure! I'm Josh, this is y/n."

"You are literally gorgeous!"


"She doesn't exactly talk, but she says thank you."


"Excuse me?"


"I'm new here. Can you show me to Mr. Gatwin's rooms?"

"Oh! We're all on our way to his class, now! What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you! I'm Mads. This is Josh, Jaden, Bryce, Avani, and y/n."

"Nice to meet you guys too."


"Hey watch it!"

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"

"Hey you're the new kids, right?"


"Welcome! I'm Avani! This is Josh, Bryce, Jaden, Mads, Addison, and y/n."

"I'm Mattia. This is Alejandro and Kairi."




"I'm so glad to finally meet you!"

"Uh, we're here too."

"Shut up Alvaro! It's my moment with her!"

"I'm happy to finally meet you guys too."

"Okay, my turn."

"Geico you disrespectful bastard."

"Roshaun! Be nice!"

Present Day

"Y/n? We're here." Josh says. She shakes herself out of her thoughts and smiles.

"Let's party." She says. They all cheer and walk into the dining hall.

Mrs. Mattia Polibio.

She thinks, smiling at the name.


The End

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