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Third Person POV

The group was driving to Seattle. Everyone was in the RV except y/n, she was driving her Jeep.

Click Click

The Jeep slowly comes to a stop.

"Shit." Y/n says. She pulls out her phone to call the group, but she can't get any signal. She pops the hood and gets out of the car, letting it cool down

"Need help?" Someone says. She turns and sees someone getting out of their car and walk towards her. She watches as the guy gets closer to her car, trying to figure out why he looks familiar.

"I'm Kio. We met at Playlist last year." He says, extending his hand. The girl nods and shakes his hand.

"You're Josh's friend, right? The one that doesn't talk." He says. She nids and he gives her a smile.

"Let's go get you some gas." He says, grabbing y/n's hand and leading her to his car. They go to the closest town and fill a gas can, taking it back to her Jeep and filling the tank.

"Thank you." She whispers. He looks at her with wide eyes.

"You can speak?" He asks. He giggles.

"Yeah. I just dont." She replies. He nods.

"Glad I could help." He says. She nods and waves at him before getting into the car and driving off.

5 p.m.

Mattia and everyone else finally made it to Seattle.

"I'm gonna call y/n and see where she's at." Josh says. Everyone nods and grabs their bags.

"What the hell?" Josh says. They all look at him.

"She isn't answering. It went straight to voicemail." Josh continues. They all look at him worried.

"Are you sure?" Bryce asks. Josh nods.

"Oh my god! What if she got into an accident!?" Addison yells. The girls run over and hug her.

"She probably just doesn't have signal." Kai says. They all nod and check in the hotel.

Three Hours Later

Y/n still hasn't called back or arrived and everyone is worried. Mattia is sitting in her room while everyone else went to go get some food.

Knock Knock

Mattia runs to the door of y/n's hotel room. He opens it and finds Josh and the group, holding bags of food.

"Is she here yet?" Alejandro asks. Mattia shakes his head, looking down.

"I'm sure she's fine. Maybe she stopped to get gas and is running late." Robert says, trying to comfort everyone else.

"But she would have called." Josh says.

"Not necessarily! She let me borrow her phone charger because mine broke. Maybe her phone died." Mads says. They all sigh.

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