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I wake up early and quickly get dressed so I can work on the painting, quickly grabbing an apple for breakfast.

"Y/n?!" I hear someone yell. I run to the front of the house and see my father at the door. I quickly grab my phone and call Josh since Mattia and the boys went to Jersey for Christmas break.

"Hello?" ~J

"Josh, my dad is at my house. He's banging on the door, but he hasn't seen me yet." ~Y

"I'm on my way. Hide." ~J

I hang up and slowly make my way into the backyard, hiding in the shed. I hear someone walking outside and I hide under a tarp.

"Y/n! I know you're here!" He yells.

"No she isn't. She went with Coach Gatwin for Christmas break. I'm house sitting for them. Why the fuck are you here?" Josh says. I hear my father scoff.

"I saw here come home last night. She isn't with her uncle. So where the fuck is she?" He yells.

"Why do you care?!"

"Because I need money. She is the only one who can help."

"What do you mean?"

"My neighbor wants to get back at his wife for cheating so I offered to let him use that slut if he gave me six hundred bucks."


"Don't tell me how to parent my daughter! You're just a kid! Besides, she does it willingly. She knows how tight money is for me to make at the moment, so she does it because she wants to help!" I slowly start to walk outside, watching as the two argue.

"Josh I think you should go." I say. He looks at me shocked and shakes his head.


"He needs the money, Josh."

"He needs to stop wasting it on alcohol!" I sigh.

"How he spends it is none of my business." I reply. My father smirks and looks at Josh.

"See?" He says. Josh clenches his fists and glares at my father.

"I don't care what she says. She's my best friend and I swore I would protect her no matter what. I failed once and I'm not letting it happen again! So fuck off!" He screams, grabbing me and dragging me to his car.

"Why would you say that?!" He asks as we pull up to the spot. I look down and sigh.

"I'm scared of him, of what he's capable of. It's one thing if I get hurt, but another if it was someone I cared about." I reply. He grabs my hand and I look up.

"I love you y/n. You're like a sister to me. I know I fucked up, but I really do care about you. Seeing you the way you were after Chase hurt you, that sucked. I had followed you home for weeks just to make sure you were safe, but the day I decide I need to get over you, you got hurt. I won't let it happen again. Ever." He says. I smile and hug him.

"Okay." I reply.

"So we are besties again?!" He asks. I laugh.

"Only if you are okay with the Jersey boys." I say. He smiles.

"Sure." He says. We get out of the car and go inside to find the entire group sitting on their phones.

"So y'all just hang without us?" Josh asks. They all look up and laugh.

"We wanted to fix things." Avani says. I smile and nod.

"Then let's start fixing." I reply. Their eyes go wide.

"Y-you're talking!" Mads says. I nod and they hug me.

"Your voice is the cutest!" Addi says. I laugh and hug them back. We spend the rest of the day, talking and hanging out until it starts to get dark.

"Y/n, let's go to my place. I don't want you going home alone with your dad around." Josh says. I sigh.

"Josh I have to finish the painting. I didn't even work on it!" I say.

"Then we'll all spend the night!" Avani says. I smile and nod as we head to the cars.

"We're gonna go pack! Meet you there!" Bryce says. Josh and I get in the car and he drops me off and goes to pack.

~Trigger Warning~
~Domestic Violence~

"You have some nerve going with him!" Someone says. I feel myself get thrown to the floor as the person continues to scream at me.

"AND FOR YOU TO OPEN YOUR MOUTH IN FRONT OF ME!? YOU'RE A LYING WHORE!" He screams. He continuously punches my stomach, causing me to cough up blood.

"Fuck you." I say. He stops.

"What did you say?!"

"FUCK YOU!" I scream, grabbing the glass vase off of the coffee table and hitting him in the head. I watch him fall to the floor and I stand up, clenching my fist and hitting his head so he passes out. I slowly walk to my room and into the bathroom.

"Y/n?!" I hear someone yell.

"In here!" I yell back. I watch the entire group run in.

"Oh my god!" Addi says. Josh grabs the first aid kit and sets me onto the counter, taking my shirt off so he can wrap my stomach. Mads calls the police to report a break in and the rest of them watch as Josh tends to my injuries.

"You hit him pretty hard." Jaden says. I give him a weak smile.

"Yeah, Josh taught me that." I reply, looking down at the boy. He smiles and puts everything away.

"The police and paramedics are here." Mads says. We all nod and Josh helps me down.

"Are you the owner of the house?" The officer asks.

"No sir. My uncle is, I just live with him." I reply. The officer nods and helps me to the ambulance.

"She has some minor bruising and some scratches, but she should be fine. I suggest she take it easy for the next couple days." The paramedic says. Josh nods and we all head inside and go to bed.

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