Maira Rayne Polibio

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October 6th
Third Person POV

Y/n woke up and climbed off of the bed, waddling to the bathroom. She slowly undressed herself, groaning at the aching in her back.

"I love you baby, but you're killing my back." The girl mumbles. She turns on the water in the bathtub and watches as it fills itself. She squeezes some lavender soap into the tub and sits on the cold tiles, using her finger to mix the soap and water.

"Early morning bath?" She hears someone say. She looks back and sees Mattia standing in the doorway.

"Mhm." She replies, redirecting her attention to the water. She turns it off and stands up, stepping into the tub and sinking down. She lets out a quiet moan as the warm water comes in contact with her sore muscle, closing her eyes and relaxing as Mattia turns on some music. She hears shuffling over by where Mattia is and feels herself get pushed forward so he can sit behind her. He wraps his arms around her, pulling her closer to him.

"This is nice." He says, kissing the back of her head. She hums in agreement and grabs the cup off the edge of the tub, filling it with water. She lifts it to her head and Mattia takes it, pouring it onto her hair slowly as he hums along with the song. He grabs the shampoo and squeezes it into his hand, massaging it into her scalp. She groans and closes her eyes.

"Imagine doing this after our wedding." Mattia whispers.

"You have to propose first baby. Plus, after our wedding I'm sure we'll be busy with something else." Y/n responds. Mattia chuckles and rinses y/n's hair.

"After that." He says, moving her hair and tilting her head so he can kiss her neck. She places a hand in his hair and grips it, causing him to groan into her skin. Suddenly, she feels a pain in her stomach.

"Mattia." She mumbles. He continues to kiss her. The pain happens again and she shoots forward, grabbing her stomach.

"Mattia, I think the baby is coming." She says. His eyes widen and he climbs out, helping her out aswell. He puts underwear and a sundress on her and quickly puts on a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt. He rushes them out of the room, only to be met with everyone blocking the way.

"Move!" He yells. They all back up, confused.

"What the hell is his- Oh my God! She's about to give birth!" Avani screams. Their eyes widen and they all rush out to Avani and Roshaun's cars, hopping in and following the couple.

"Just hold on baby, we're almost there." Mattia says, rubbing his thumb over the girl's hand. She screams in pain, tears pouring out of her eyes as each contraction comes and goes.

"Tia it hurts!" She cries. He kisses her hand as they pull into the parking lot of the hospital.

"Can someone please help us? My wife is about to give birth!" Mattia says. Three nurses run over and lead them to the delivery room. They change her into a hospital gown and lay her on the bed.

"Alright, are you ready to start pushing?" The doctor asks. Y/n nods her head, aggressively as another contraction forms.

"3, 2, 1... Push!" The doctor says. Y/n pushes with all of her strength and squeezes Mattia's hand. They continue this process until the baby is finally all the way out. The doctor cuts the umbilical cord and hands the baby to the nurse so they can wash her and put a diaper on her.

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