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Third Person POV

Josh woke up angry every morning since y/n stopped being his friend. Weeks had passed and the entire group had grown apart. Y/n was still the queen bee, but she had six guys that walked her to and from class. Tony and Ondreaz were kicked out of the school after rumors of them groping one of the dancers surfaced. Chase and his friends, however, were still going to school because their parents paid a large amount of money to the school to keep the situation on the down low. This angered Josh. He was using y/n, but he cared about her too. She and Mattia were constantly smiling at each other during homeroom and at practice, it made him sick. He wanted her friendship back. He wanted to be the one to protect her. The entire school was against him and the group after they found out that they used her. The girls all hung out with the dance team at lunch. Bryce hung out with the jocks in the weight room during lunch. Jaden spent most of his day under the bleachers, smoking with the druggies. And Josh? He sat alone at the back of the lunchroom because everyone had been turned against him. He was miserable. He spent hours at a time staring at the drawings y/n had given him. He would stalk her Instagram on a fake account to see what she was up to. Sometimes, her would follow her home. If you asked why, he would tell you it was to protect her. But in reality, he wanted to see her up close. He went to their spot all the time, waiting for her to show up, but she never did. Not until today. He heard sniffling outside of the schoolhouse and looked out the window to see the girl with mascara running down her face. She went in and when she saw Josh she ran to him and cried into his chest.

"Princess what happened?" He asks. She looks up at him and pulls her collar down just enough to show the dark purple hickies on her neck. He clenched his fists.

"What happened?" He asks. She sniffles and looks up at him.

"I was walking home from school after practice and realized I had forgotten my bag, so I turned back to go get it. I grabbed it and I saw Chase and he- he- he touched me." She says, sobbing into her hands. He hugs her and pulls out his phone and calls Bryce and Jaden.

"Hello?" ~B

"Yo, why did you call us?" ~J

Josh shows them the crying girl and watches as their faces change.

"We're on our way." ~J,B

They hang up and Josh pulls the small girl closer to him, stroking her hair slowly. The other boys show up and instantly run to her.

"What happened?" Jaden asks.

"Chase touched her." Josh says. The girl looks up at the boys and hiccups. Bryce hugs her and Jaden does the same. They comfort the girl until Robert calls her. She answers, but points the camera at the ceiling.

"H-hello?" ~Y

"Hey y/n! Where you at? We came to pick you up to come hang out with us, but you're gone." ~Rob

"I-I'm not home at the m-moment. Go ahead and hang without m-me." ~Y

Mattia comes into frame and stares at the screen.

"Y/n show us your face." ~M

Each of the boys quietly moves behind the camera and she faces it to her tear-stained face.

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