Kissing Scene

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Italics: writing
Bold italics: thinking


Third Person POV

The two get into Mattia's car and wait for Ale and Kai.

"So why do you live with your uncle?" Mattia asks the girl. She looks over at him and shrugs.

"I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but I heard a rumor saying that you used to talk all the time. Is that true?" He asks. She nods.

"So what happened?" He says. She plays with her fingers and ignores the question.

"If I text you will you answer the question?" He asks. She shakes her head. The boy sighs and runs his fingers through his sweaty hair.

"I'm gonna get you to talk to me." He says. She looks at him confused.

"We're going to be project partners for the rest of the year. I want to be friends and I want you to talk to me." He says. She shakes her head and writes on her notepad.

"I don't even talk to my friends now. I haven't spoken to them once except when I yelled at all of you. They respect that, why can't you?"

"Who's to say I don't respect it? I do, I just want to understand why you stopped." Mattia replies. Ale and Kai finally get to the car and hop in the back.

"Hi y/n!" Kai says. She waves and looks out the window as they drive to the dorms.

"We're here." Mattia says. She unbuckles and Mattia comes around and picks her up. Ale gets her wheelchair and Mattia puts her in it.

"Why didn't they give you crutches?" Kai asks. She gets her notepad out again and writes.

"I have a history of 'losing' my crutches and ignoring doctor's orders. It's kind of hard to 'lose' a wheelchair."

"Oh. You really didn't strike me as stubborn." He says. She laughs quietly, but Mattia hears it.

"Your laugh is cute." He says. She looks at him and smiles, nodding her head to thank him.

"Here we are!" Ale says, unlocking their dorm. They each go their separate ways and Mattia takes y/n into his room.

"Okay so what play should we do?" He asks. She shrugs, pulling out her English binder.

"Wow what a big help." He says. He thinks for a moment before speaking.

"I know that Ale and Kai are doing Macbeth, Alex and Adam are doing Hamlet, Charli and Chase are doing Othello, Dani and Mikey are doing The Tempest, and Maximo and Luca are doing The Taming of the Shrew. We could go simple and do Romeo and Juliet." The Italian says. Y/n nods and writes that down.

"I only read the play once though." He says. She grabs her notepad and writes.

"I've read it every year so far. The school requires you to memorize the plot of one of his plays in order to graduate. So we should be fine."

"Wait for real? I chose Hamlet because I could just watch The Lion King and figure out the plot." Mattia says. She rolls her eyes and starts summarizing the play.

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