Happy Birthday Pt. 2

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Third Person POV

Cynthia and Celia sat by the window, staring out at the group.

"I need him." Cynthia mumbles. Celia rolls her eyes.

"What's so special about him?" She asks, causing Cynthia to glare at her.

"I'm in love with him! And I know he still loves me! That slut is in the way though!" Cynthia says. Celia scoffs and shakes her head.

"I love you Cyn, but you're literally obsessed with a boy that doesn't even spare you a single thought." She says, standing up to grab another drink.

"He does think about me! Look! He texted me!" Cynthia declares, shoving her phone into the shorter's face.

Matti Baby💞

Matti Baby💞
Can you stop posting about me? It's literally so creepy and kinda annoying.

Matti! Omg I missed you baby! Come over and we can "cuddle" 😉

Matti Baby💞
Fuck off. Stop posting about me.

I know you don't mean that! Ily!
Message Not Sent.

"Oh my lord! He legit blocked you! Stop obsessing over someone who can't reciprocate your feelings!" Celia says, pushing Cynthia's phone away.

"Ugh! He does love me Lia! You're so annoying!" The taller exclaims, storming off into the crowd.


"They haven't stopped staring since they sat down!" Avani groans. Anthony pulls her closer to him and kisses her forehead.

"They're obsessed with us." Bryce says, rolling his eyes. Y/n looks over and sees the two blondes arguing.

"Yo! Those two bimbos are making a scene in the dining room." Griffin says, walking towards the group.

"What are they arguing about?" Josh asks. Griffin laughs and rolls his eyes.

"The tall one is talking about how much she loves Mattia and how she 'needs' him. She literally hasn't shut up about him since we got to town. She even tried to call him, but it didn't go through." Griffin replies. Mattia scoffs.

"And I thought y/n had a psycho ex." Addison says, laughing. The entire group joins in except Mattia.

"She's literally so annoying." He says. Y/n slips away from the group and walks inside while the others continue talking.

"Hey y/n!" Cynthia says. Y/n glares at her.

"You need to leave." She says, blatantly. Cynthia laughs.

"Oh my god! That was hilarious!"

"I'm dead serious Cynthia. Get out of this house now."

"Why? What did I do?"

"Talking about my boyfriend behind my back, constantly disrespecting my relationship, would you like me to go on?"

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