Tormenting From The Grave

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Third Person POV

Y/n woke up feeling terrible. She had chills and she was dizzy. She had ignored it though, and went to school anyway. That was, until she fainted during her uncle's weights class.

"Y/n?" He says. She looks at him and hums in response.

"You need to go home. You have a fever." He says. She shakes her head and takes a sip from the water bottle he gave her.

"Birdie, please go home." He begs. She sighs and nods, slowly standing up. Mattia grabs picks her up and carries her to his car.

"Where are we going?" He asks, starting the car.

"We? No, you're dropping me off at your dorm and then going back to school." She replies.


"No! I'll be fine. Drop me off and go back." She demands. He sighs and nods. He stops infront of the dormitory building and gives her a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Stay safe baby." He says, handing her the key as she get out. She waves him off and walks into the building.

"Ahem." She hears someone say. She turns and sees to tall men dressed in suits, staring at her.

"Are you y/n Reinhardt?" They ask. She gulps, recognizing the voice.

"Yes sir." She says. He sighs.

"We need you to come with us. Not for long, just long enough to talk." He says.

"I'm really sorry, but I'm really sick and I don't want to risk infecting you." She says.

"Don't worry about that. We'll get you some medicine too, but this is urgent." He replies. She slowly nods and follows them to their car.

"Are you aware that your father had a gambling problem?" He asks after a couple minutes of driving.

"No sir." She whispers.

"Did you know anything about his work?" He asks.

"No. He got angry whenever I asked." She says. He nods.

"Well your father was a drunk that got himself involved with the wrong people while gambling. So, he had to find a way to pay off his debt. He joined a gang down on the southside of town as a way to make quick cash. A lot of his 'friends' that he sold you to, were apart of the same gang." He says.

"If you don't mind me asking, what does that have to do with me?" She asks. He sighs.

"In his contract, he made a note stating that if he were to die before he left the gang, that they could do whatever they wanted with you. They are big in the sex trafficking ring and we want to keep you safe. We realize that we didn't exactly come across properly the first time we came in contact, but we really want what's best for you." He says. She nods and notices the driver stop infront of a hospital. The men get out and help her out aswell.

"Why are we at a hospital?" She asks.

"We scheduled an appointment for you when we left the dormitories." The man says. She nods. They walk in and the doctor gives her a quick checkup.

"From what we can tell, it's the flu. I'll have you pick up your antibiotics at tge front desk and I will sign a form explaining that you won't be able to go to school for a week." The doctor says. She nods and walks out of the room to the front desk. She grabs her antibiotics and walks over to the two men.

"Ready to get back to our original conversation?" The man says. She nods.

"Yes sir." She says. He shakes his head.

"Call me Wade. And this is James." He says. The girl nods once again before getting into the vehicle.

"As I was saying, we want to protect you and the people close to you from your father's fellow gang members. The only way we can do that, is by faking your death and sending you to Italy." Wade says. Her eyes widen.

"That's the only way?" She asks. The man nods. She thinks for a moment and sighs.

"Can I spend a few more weeks with my friends?" She asks. Wade nods.

"Yes. We still have to plan it out." He says.

"You never told me what your job was." She says.

"We are both apart of the CIA. We were chosen to keep an eye on your father." James says. She nods.

"Can you take me back to the dormitories? My friends are probably back and I don't want to worry them." She says. The men nod and the three of them drive to the dormitories.

"Remember Ms. Reinhardt, don't tell anyone about this." Wade says. She nods and walks into the building. She begins her journey up the stairs until she runs out of breath and sits down.

"Y/n!" Avani exclaims. She helps the girl up the stairs and to Mattia's dorm.

"I found her!" Avani says, walking into the room. The entire group stands up and runs over to her.

"Where have you been?" Josh asks.

"I decided to make myself an appointment to see what was wrong. I have the flu. I suggest y'all back up so I don't infect you." She replies. They all step back and she thinks about what Wade said.

"I just want you guys to know that I love you, okay? You guys are the best friends I could ever ask for and I want you to know I appreciate everything you've done for me." She says, looking down.

"You act like you're never going to see us again." Ale says. She laughs.

"No. I just don't remember ever telling you guys how much I love you. So, I'm telling you now." She replies. They all hug her and smile.

"You should rest. You look dead." Robert suggests. She nods and Mattia helps her to his room.

"Baby?" He says. She hums in response.

"Please don't leave us." He says. She gulps.

"I would never." She says, tears rolling down her face.

"Why are you crying?" He asks.

"I don't know. I'm emotional." She responds. Mattia laughs and kisses her forehead before walking out.

The first promise I've ever had to make to him and I can't even keep it for more than a couple weeks. If I ever come back from the dead, he'll hate me. They all will.


A/n: tysm for 1.8k reads on this book and 18.3k on The New Girl's Secrets. Y'all are truly amazing. ❤

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