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Third Person POV

It was currently three in the morning and Josh was laying in bed, staring at the ceiling as he thought about his best friend being raped by her ex. He was beyond angry. He wanted to rip Chase limb from limb until there was nothing left to rip. He wanted Chase to pay for what he did. He sat up slowly and looked toward the dresser on the other side of his room where his father's gun hid. He had stolen it a few years back to show his friends in middle school and just never returned it. He slowly stands up and walks towards the dresser, opening it and grabbing the gun. He shoves it into his waistband and covers it with his shirt, grabbing his phone to call Chase.

"What the hell do you want?" ~C

"I want revenge on y/n. You were the first person that came to mind." ~J

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" ~C

"The entire school is against me. I want my power back Chase! She took it away!" ~J

"Fine. Meet me in the alleyway behind the mall in an hour. We both come alone." ~C

Josh agrees and hangs up. He puts on some gloves and a jacket and waits until it's time to go.

"I didn't think you'd show." Chase says. Josh shrugs.

"I have the best plan." Chase continues. Josh smirks and shakes his head.

"Nah I do. Night night." Josh says, shooting the boy. He beats his dead body up and steals his phone and wallet before quickly leaving. He wanted people to think it was a mugging.

Mattia's Dorm

Y/n woke up in Mattia's arms. She slowly moves out of his grip and checks the time. 5 a.m.

"Shit. I was supposed to be at the school thirty minutes ago!" She whispers. She grabs her purse and makes her way toward the door.

"Y/n?" Roshaun says, rubbing his eyes as he sits up on the couch.

"Morning Ro. I really need to go, I'll see you later." She says, walking out. Roshaun grabs her arm and shakes his head.

"Not alone. Wait for me." He says. She sighs and watches as he puts on his shoes.

"I'm walking a couple blocks, I'm not going to be hurt." She says.

"Mattia would kill me if I let you go alone, especially after what Chase did." Roshaun replies. They get to the school and rush to the art room.

"Wake up late?" Ms. Lakens asks. She nods.

"I wanted to ask you if you could do a scenic painting for the school! They want a painting to put up in the main hall." The woman says. Y/n smiles and nods, grabbing the large canvas that covers the entirety of the table. Roshaun helps her carry the canvas back to the dorm and runs inside to grab his keys.

"Where am I taking you?" He asks.

"Home." She replies. The Jamaican nods and drives to her house. They take the canvas to the shed and prop it onto a shelf, leaning it against the wall. She grabs her sketchbook and sketches out an idea while Roshaun watches.

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