Summer Vacation

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Mattia and the boys left to go back to New Jersey and I've been bored out of my mind. Josh and I have spent the past couple weeks in the schoolhouse, hanging out, but we literally sit on our phones, enjoying each other's company.

"We should go on a road trip." Josh says. I look at him and laugh.

"Are you serious? You own a Prius!" I reply. He rolls his eyes.

"But you just bought a new Jeep! Plus, imagine the adventures we could have!" He says. I smile and nod.

"Fine. I have nothing better to do. My uncle and his family are all going on a cruise."

"Why aren't you going?" He asks.

"Um I'm terrified of water!? You're my best friend, you should know this!" I reply. He laughs and stands up.

"Lets go pack!" He says.

"Okay." I say, grabbing his hand to get up. We walk to our cars and get in, driving home to pack.

"Where are you going?" Madi asks.

"Josh and I are going on a road trip for the summer." I reply. She nods and grabs one of my crop tops.

"This is cute." She says. I smile.

"Yeah. I added the ladybug patch because it was my mom's favorite insect." I reply. She frowns.

"It sucks that I never got to meet Aunt Layla. Can you tell me more about her?" Madi says. I smile.

"She was the nicest person I had ever met. She loved nature and we used to go on walks all the time. She also loved to sing. She taught me how to play piano when I was younger and we would put on concerts for my dad when he came home from work. She was also one of the strongest people you'd ever see. I never saw her cry until the day she died." I say. I look down at the crop top in my hand and rub the ladybug patch.

"Do you miss her?" Madi asks. I look up and give a weak smile.

"Everyday. I used to scream for her when my dad woukd hit me, praying she would save me from him. But she never did, because she had already laid down her life to save me once. It really was my fault. I shouldn't have complained about my feet hurting and maybe we wouldn't have gone down the alley." I say. I hear my door open and see my uncle.

"Madi, go put your bags in the car. We're leaving in thirty minutes." He says. She nods and walks out.

"Oh and y/n?" I look up again.

"It wasn't you fault. Your mom made the choice to save you on her own. Don't let whatever your father said get to you. You aren't at fault for her death." He says. I nod and he walks out.

Fourty-Five Minutes Later

"You ready to go?" Josh asks, walking into my room.

"Yep! I need to stop for gas first though." I say. He nods.

"We'll need some snacks too!" He says. I giggle and grab my bags, quickly heading to jeep. We take a quick photo and he posts it on Instagram.

Josh's Post:

Josh's Post:

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