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(I don't write often this is my first book if you want to correct me you can I will try to make sure everything is correct, welp, lemme give this a shot then.)
(Pov is 1st person)

I spotted lust after a while of dodging monsters with ease. He walks up to me but stayed at a distance from afar and asked what I was up too. As I take out my knife, I reply "Let's have some fun Shall we? Hehe~." I grin at lust.

I seen killer and walked a up to him but stayed afar. I questioned him "What are you up to killer? Why are you here." I noticed he greeted my question with a question. He has a big evil smile on his face.

(There is the Prologue for you man I feel like I messed something up every time I write. I'm learning as I go well this was a good effort.)

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