New Person with You

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(Hahaha This is not Search Part three that's next Chapter DAMN! I can not keep my mouth shut Surry qwq")
[Now music is back idk why I do this it's nonsense]

I wake up to see Killer Curled up around my legs and he held them like they were a giant teddy bear. He is so Cute but this is just too Precious! I didn't  want to wake him but I really wanted to  stroke his head! So I did. I gently stroked his head and he purred! "Awwwwww!"

I felt myself being touched and I didn't even feel myself purring. I woke up and forgot where I was for a second then I saw lust and out of my strange feelings. I sat up turned to lust and jumped on him then pulled him close to me in a hug he was shocked and hugged back.
"Lusby Warm..." he was warm so I stayed still trying to warm up a bit.

Gah! I'm dieing why the hell is he so cute?! I don't mean like how I would find a bunch of the other sanses normally. This was different and new I didn't feel like fucking him I just wanted to love on him and protect this side of him! I thought to myself. Why am I a new person with you Kills?...


looked up at lust he had a nervous smile and he was Blushing I wanted to know what he was thinking about. Whatever it was it made him look like a complete moron, I loved it!!! I smiled a bit and tickled him. "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE MY TICKLES LUSBY!"

I started laugh screaming once Killer started Tickling me! "Ahaha! N-no Stop~!" I get up and started running away from him. " No kills- I will escape you Tickles! Hahaha~!" He started chasing after me saying "Here comes the Tickle monster Lusby!!!"

(My childhood included the Tickle monster.  How about you?)

I caught up to lust and pulled him down to the ground and tickled him with a evil smile. "I got you Lusby!" He laughed then calmed down once I stopped Tickling him and helped him up off the floor. "Pfft! that was fun I never knew you were playful Lusby, now you got me wondering what else you are like" I smile and hugged him.

I blushed at his statment of wanting to get to know me better. I hugged him back as well. "Maybe you'll see what else I'm like in time, Hehehe. And i will get to know more about you as well" I gave him a little playful smile.

"That also leaves me to think about the time and how long we have been in here it's crazy, I haven't got hungry yet how bout you Lusby?" He shook his head and looked a bit concerned: "No kills I'm not hungry at all. This is not normal, but I'm guessing it has to do with the atmosphere we're in..."

I pull Killer down with me onto the ground. I hold and pull him close with one arm and my other arm to my side. "But it could be that just being with you makes my forget my hunger and just focus on you Handsome Cutie~" I blush lightly and chuckled as I saw Killer's face light up brightly like a red Christmas tree light.

(Ending this part here for now, and next we return to the Outside Search! )

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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