Getting the Unwanted job...

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(This is all 1st person Pov.)
[Here is some music you can listen to if you want]

I'm sitting on the floor playing go fish with Dust, Horror, and Cross. Damn it I'm gunna lose Horror on the other hand. . . "Shit! This isn't fair I always lose!" I cried as I threw my cards down.

"Awe-. Come on this is the 10th time you've had a fit there's no big deal you might win next time" I let a chuckle escape my mouth and Killer glared at me sadly but pissed at the same time.

"UNO!" I yelled jumping up happily dumbfounded everyone looked at me and laughed dust told me"we weren't playing Uno, how did you win that makes no sense?!" I looked at Horror as he smiled and threw down his cards.

I stood up and stretched smiling. "Welp, can't compete with that good game" I yawn slightly and go to the couch where Error sat watching the madness of Dust and Killer roughhousing and I cuddle laying in Error's lap like a cat and fall asleep.

I noticed Horror sleeping on my for a second I almost crashed until Horror started to purr lightly "Dust,Killer go roughhouse outside or something Horror is trying to sleep" I said in a sharp way.

"Whatever mom-..." I said being humorous and help Killer to his feet as I got up as well. Cross and I head to the kitchen going to attempt cooking again.

I walk into the living room where I see Error stroking Horror as he sleeps purring like a cat, and I see Killer sitting on the floor picking up the remaining cards left on the ground "Killer"

I look up at Nightmare and stand up quickly fumbling to my feet. "Yes boss?" I said in a sweat. Nightmare gave me a job and walks away entrusting me to get the job done. I sigh and whisper to myself. "God I hate working out late..."

(I'm gunna stop here for now, I'm sorry if I messed up this is my first book, Welp this is as good as its gunna get from here on out hope you are enjoying for now)

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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