Taken with force.

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(Ok... Well I didn't want To add anymore people I told myself after The 1st Search, but.... I'm going to add two more people they are both my Oc's. Welp let us continue on)

I woke up and thought I saw something out of the corner of my right eye socket But before I was going to look around I noticed a portal was open I thought that it was Nightmare and Dream and that they came to get me and waited for a second and knew it wasn't them I was Yanked backwards to the ground My Vision grew blurry The last thing I remember is seeing the Color Green and then I blacked out.

God- This Guy squirms alot how fucking pathetic he's not putting in the effort, I Easily knocked him out unconscious Luck I caught him off guard now This is so much easier for me, Hahaha!

I opened my eye sockets to see darkness around me but soon a dim light was turned on but no one came down the stairs. I was Chained to the ground of what I'm thinking is a underground basement Which is A bad place for me to be because no one can hear me down here, I have no Idea where I am Located exactly or what Au, There's no indication who took me here and what their intentions might be... I sat with thoughts racing in my head, I think I was feeling Anxious I dunno or Care much at this point but, I was glad to be out if the Smoke World now I'm curious and confused I didn't understand anything at the moment So I cried over the thoughts and memories, and how I felt so alone and hurt. Soon enough I heard Footsteps descending the stairs but I couldn't stop crying to see who it was my vision was blurry and hazy.

I see the guy crying and I walk up to him kicked him as he yelped in pain and looked up at me looking like a mess. I wiped away his tears away with a tissue and looked at his eye lights for a moment then let him go, he fell backwards hitting his skull on the hard cement wall and it looked like he almost cracked the back of his skull. He picked himself up and sat against the wall looking at me like nothing happened. I took out a chair from the closet under the stairs and sat in it facing this guy for a while. Then I got up and walked back upstairs leaving Whoever this guy was alone.

(Hahaha- I hate myself for doing that but I felt like I just had too and this new twist, Please don't be mad at me. T~T")

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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