The 1st Search

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(Adding character to the story)
[Same POV - 1st person,  different characters]

UL Papyrus
I sigh, while sitting on the table chair just looking at the front door waiting for my brother sans to open it at any moment... It's been 3 days I thought to myself sitting in silence. Why haven't I gotten any form of word about sans?! I have been worried since the second day after I asked around and questioned everyone. No one ok knew anything about his where abouts, but i didn't give up I remembered Sans talked-about the Au Protecter and how he would come here a few times, I also remember how to call him or I guess it's more like summoning I was debating with myself if I should call this "Au Protector".

No one's Pov
UL Papyrus sat in silence and was in deep thought. As The Bad Sanses sat in the mansion bored and slowly picked up on a conversation.

I am just sit on the floor with Cross, He eats  a chocolate bar and Error and Horror sit on the couch looking at Cross's Chocolate in a fixed daze and Nightmare yold us not to bother him unless it was an emergency. "Hey guys, Where do you think killer ran off too? It's been three days, Killer always gets the job done in one day." Everyone looked at me in shock but nodded in agreement.

I had forgotten about Killer getting a job, I thought he was here but just thought I never saw him then again it was suspicious he missed last bet meeting he never missed one bet meeting  because Cross's and Error's Chocolate was the best to play for.
"Yeah, He isn't here is he??? Damn! He missed the bet meeting no wonder I got more Chocolate then usual-"

"So, um how did Nightmare not notice his disappearance? Wait- is he actually not as smart as he makes it seem!?"
They all Laugh at the thought so do I.

After a good laugh it get quite and serious faces are all around...
"So should we ask Nightmare then? You know about Killer." We all agree and shot up and ran to nightmares door and we all knocked rapidly in panic forgetting we were upsetting Nightmare!

I was sitting on my bed texting my brother dream about Killer and his three day disappearance after dream replied he would have to ask ink to find out more or less what happened to Killer I got annoyed knowing He had to ask ink... then I heard what sounded like a hurdle of running cows but there was no moos or thumping it stopped and then I heard alot of rapid knocks I sighed knowing it was my gang except for Killer then I opened the door and they all Gasped and jumped up in a bit of fear and they all Yelled: "BOSS!"
"Yes I'm here you found me, now what do you want?!" They all started to speak  at once and I raised my Voice "Hey! Girls calm down I know your all Ugly. Now.... Dust tell me What is going on?" Dust spoke up: "We wanted to know if your smart, did you know Killer is missing?!..." I laughed at this for a moment. "Of course I knew he was missing so duh I'm smart but, to be honest about Killer I haven't found him neither can my brother he should have picked up a hint of happiness from him along time ago, So Dream and I came up with a Theory that he's not in our multiverse but they way to get there exists in our multiverse, but to be sure and on what dream calls the safe side he needs to ask ink. . . Blah, blah bleh-"

"So if you believe this theory, Boss we should go question everyone in the Au you sent Killer to-" Nightmare had a Oh No Shit, you aren't going to like this look on his face plus he said it: "Oh No Shit, You aren't going to like this"
"Boss, where did you send him?!"
Nightmare opened a Portal and Said Before pushing us in: "Underlust" Nightmare walked through then closed the portal and the rest of us got up and the Au name hit us after we saw the town people from a hill

"You got to be kidding me there's more people like lust Sans?! How are we going to question them one at a time without drawing attention to ourselves?!"

"We don't have to Horror, there's only one specific person we need to ask about the incident" Cross asked in curiosity: "Wait how do you know who this person is, and how do you know they're the right person we need to question?!"  I sigh "Simple, Dream also said when I asked about Killer that Lust was Missing too. So in conclusion, his brother UL Papyrus is part of this and needs to be questioned. Dream, Ink, and Blue will meet us here soon. Let's go then shall we?" I Teleported all of us infront of UL Papyrus and Sans house well now it's just UL Papyruses house for now.

(We are end The 1st Search here and will start moving onto The 2nd Search which I am starting on, Sorry it took a while to finish this Part, I have just been busy but I'm making time as much as I can, but I really only have the evenings and it's harder to write like that sometimes, plus with stress outside of writing SuCkS! Qwq ")

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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