Something Happened

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(Mk, Back to everyone else)

UL Papyrus
I was in the kitchen with my brother he was helping me bake some cookies I was glad to see him smiling once again it was a bit dim but At this rate I'll take almost any smile from my big bro I knew he still was sad but I wanted to help him get better And I know I can count on Error to help me with this I was glad to have Error to help guide me with Lust.

I'm outside sitting on the porch in the front of UL Papyrus and Sans house. I wanted some space from everyone else It felt to crowded and was to loud for me at the moment. I Sat there and not long after Dream and Nightmare went to go find Killer in the Smoke World like planned. Ink, Blue, and Horror were playing a bored game in the living room area on the floor. Cross and Dust were trying to get cookies, UL Papyrus had to keep a eye one them to make sure they didn't get the cookies. I didn't know where Lust was at the moment Until he Sat next to me and handed me a cookie with a small smile. I ate it and he ate his as well. "Thanks Lust" He Nodded. "It's no Problem Error" I patted his shoulder. "So how you holding up lately? What's on your mind Lust?"

"A bit better for the most part, I'm just Thinking of how Killer's doing I miss him but, I'm glad to know he's getting out of that place!" I smiled as Error was nodded at my excitement.

Dream and I came to the entrance of The Smoke World and a small wave of relief washed over me. Before we went in through the entrance Dream put his hand on my shoulder and spoke with a happy Smile and I showed a faint smile as he spoke: "I'm glad to have helped you with this Brother, I know things haven't been the best between our bond And-" I cut his words off at the end know he would spread more positive emotions and that was the last thing I needed! "Dream you had your moment let's just go." His smile went dim for a moment then sparked back up so fast and he nodded and went in before me.

I glanced around with my Brother Then I got Caught up in the Smokey walls, floors, and ceilings but, it all felt like a brick wall. Nightmare Called my Name I  walked over to him. "Yes Brother???" He frowned a bit deeper than before before speaking. "He's obviously not here so... we should go back and share the news because something definitely happened to Killer, let's go hurry!" I turn back towards the entrance and run right through it as Nightmare  followed me quickly then we both Teleported to UL Papyrus and Sans house and walked into the door loudly and Shouted in exact sync together: "GUY'S!!! SOMETHING HAPPENED TO KILLER!!" Everyone shot glares and stares at Nightmare and me and all is silent until we all heard screaming coming from upstairs in Lust's bedroom! Error and UL Papyrus ran upstairs the second they heard it Nightmare and I followed having everyone else stay in the living room area. Once we got to Lust's bedroom Error was stroking Lust's head and UL Papyrus was trying to Calm Lust's down. Eventually Lust calmed completely down and he looked and Nightmare and me for a moment before looking down then speaking: "Don't... DON'T LET WHAT YOU BOTH SAID BE TRUE!!! P-p-p-Please tell me he's here?!" He Cried. Nightmare spoke up: "Lust I'm  sorry we couldn't find him there something happened to him We will find him I am truly sorry for you pain and that these words are true..." I left with a small frown after nightmare spoke I couldn't bare to feel this negative energy in the room especially to see Lust sadder than ever... I walked back downstairs to everyone else and told them that soon we are going to split up into five groups with two people per group they nodded or said ok.

I gave Lust a small hug trying to make him feel better It kinda worked I think Because his negative energy was lifting it hurt me though so I went downstairs to discuss the plan with Dream but turns out he already had told the others the plan he mad to Search all the Au's in groups I was glad he already knew groups were the best idea to find Killer faster. "And maybe we can ask all the Au's to keep an eye out. I'm going to try contacting Killer in the dreamscape I'll be on the roof" Dream nodded and I left  to the roof and tried contacting Killer in the Dreamscape It worked the tenth time I tried! He saw me and had Tears in his eyes: "N-night!  help me..." I ran to him and asked him where was he other than the Dreamscape He hesitated before speaking: "I don't know.. But I think this person has me in a Underground basement Which makes it harder for you to find me and I don't know this persons intentions are I'm so confused about everything!.." I noticed how Killer had a small crack in his skull and I healed him. "I will find Dream, the others and I are all going to search for you stay strong ok I got to go now I'll see ya once we find you Killer" He Nodded and Left the Dreamscape and so did I and I went back inside everyone was asleep later fell asleep on the Floor in the living room area.

(End of this part Neet done dealed with!)

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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